The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 917 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing!

Chapter 917 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing! (7)

Chu Ji's words clearly reached Han Shushu's ears.

This is what she said, and Shisan listened to it.

"Whether you want to admit it or not, you are the only person in the world who can make the emperor care. Only your words can he listen..."

"Don't mention him?" Han Shushu coldly interrupted Chu Ji's nagging.

I didn't like Chu Ji before, but now I hate him even more.

Seeing that Han Shushu didn't want to talk to him, Chu Ji didn't want to talk too much, so he stopped talking.

Han Shushu was so happy that he fell asleep.

The next day she slept until she woke up naturally.

She took out the medical books she had hidden, and read them carefully by the dim lights in the dungeon.

Time has no meaning to Han Shushu.

Even if the living environment is very poor, she can still live comfortably in the sky prison.

It turns out that as long as she can't see Thirteen, she can be very calm, so calm that she can let go of everything in the past and start her life again.

Someone reported to the Hall of Mental Cultivation about Han Shushu's every move in the prison.

At first, everyone couldn't see Chu Shisan's emotions.After all, no matter what the occasion, Chu Shisan was always the king above him. No one dared to pry into the depth of his eyes, and naturally no one dared to speculate on his mood.

"Miss read medical books after getting up at this hour, and had her meal at noon. After eating, she read medical books for half an hour. After throwing two mice to play with Princess Linlang, she took a nap. After waking up, read I read medical books for an hour..."

After Wanxin finished her report, she quietly looked at Chu Shisan.

She glanced at Chu Shisan's clenched and loosened fist, her heart froze, and she took two steps back cautiously.

Just when she thought that Chu Shisan was about to go mad and punish someone, Chu Shisan got up: "It's still early, let's go for a walk."

Wanxin didn't dare to say anything, and silently followed behind Chu Shisan.

When she got near the prison, she realized that the so-called walking out was to meet Han Shushu who was too comfortable.

Is Han Shushu's happy life finally coming to an end?
As for Han Shushu, she was reading a book by the dim light when someone broke in suddenly.

Afterwards, Chu Ji was taken away by the jailer, and Chu Linlang was also taken away by the jailer.

She didn't understand what was going on until the key criminals were taken away and Chu Shisan's tall figure entered.

Chu Shisan stood at the cell door and looked at her without making a sound.

She glanced at him lazily, and simply lay down with her back to him.

Afterwards, the cell door burst open, Chu Shisan twisted up her back collar, dragged her in the palm of his hand, and went to a clean room.

There was also a couch and a dilapidated small square table in the room, which reminded her of the dormitory that Chu Shisan once lived in in the North Qin South Courtyard, which was also so simple.

Just when she was dazed, Chu Shisan threw her on the narrow couch.

He quickly took off her clothes, but his clothes were intact, and he squeezed into her body without warning...

She suppressed the discomfort, and looked at the man who was acting crazy on her with indifferent eyes, neither happy nor sad.

Han Shushu's calm angered Chu Shisan even more. He took her body roughly and wished he could tear her to pieces.

Maybe he really had to wait for her to die before he could be freed...

Afterwards, Han Shushu was thrown aside, and Chu Shisan got up slowly, with elegant and lazy movements.

"I'm not tired of playing with this body of yours. One day I feel that I've had enough, and I'll give you a good time..."

He didn't look at Han Shushu again, and walked away with graceful steps.

Han Shushu struggled to his feet and put on his clothes slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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