The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 925 Know the truth: you killed your own flesh and blood

Chapter 925 Know the truth: You killed your own flesh and blood (7)

Chu Shisan looked at the stunned crowd, his thin lips stained with black blood lightly parted, with a wild charm: "A bunch of trash, get out!"

The girls pushed me and I pushed you, not daring to stay any longer, and exited the boat one by one.

Seeing the calmness returned, Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu who was pursing his lips, "You are not worthy to be my opponent!"

"There are no absolutes in this world, let's wait and see!"

Han Shushu looked back coldly.

It hasn't been long since she practiced poison, but Chu Shisan has been a strong man for many years, why should he be sure that she is not worthy to be his opponent?
"It's better like this. Before you are no match for me, I will be willing to sleep every night. When I have full wings one day and can defeat me, I will set you free——"

"Fuck your fart! I can leave as much as I want, this is my freedom, I don't need your permission!"

Han Shushu let out a roar, and pushed Chu Shisan down on the soft cushion with all his strength.She took aim at his face and slapped him twice.

"Girl, you can't do it!" Wan Xin and Chu Yun watched from a distance, and shouted in unison.

When Han Shushu heard this, he slapped Chu Shisan's face twice again, until his palms became numb.

She climbed up from Chu Shisan, straightened her wrinkled dress, proud like a queen, and looked down on Chu Shisan from above: "What a broken emperor, I am!!"

Leaving these few words behind, she walked away with her head held high.

Wanxin and Chu Yun looked at each other.

Han Shushu obviously came to serve the bedroom, why did he run away after beating their master for a round, is this also called serving the bedroom?

"Wanxin, escort her back to the south courtyard." Chu Shisan's voice awakened Wanxin's wandering thoughts.

Wanxin didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily followed out of Huafang.

As soon as she got close to Han Shushu, Han Shushu turned around and gave her a hard look, which made her shrink back in fright, and said aggrievedly: "Young lady doesn't want to see Xiaocao, only slaves can be used by young ladies."

After that, she tremblingly escorted Han Shushu back to the South Courtyard, fearing that if Han Shushu was unhappy, she would use her to test the poison.

On the other side, Chu Shisan in the painting boat struggled to get up from the cushion after a while.

Chu Yun didn't dare to step forward, nor did he dare to speak.

From a distance, Chu Shisan's handsome face could be seen swollen by Han Shushu, but this did not detract from the coldness exuding from Chu Shisan's body.

That woman Han Shushu used to be timid, but now she dares to slap Chu Shisan several times, which is a big change.

"The emperor's face..." Chu Yun hesitated to speak.

With such a handsome face, he will go to court tomorrow, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs has seen it, how should he feel?

"It's okay, it will be fine in two days." Chu Shisan struggled to get up, but shook his body, a little unsteady.

Chu Yun hurriedly supported him, and looked at Chu Shisan in surprise: "Your Majesty, is the girl's poison not cured?"

"It's only temporarily suppressed. The poison she injected is not so easy to cure." Chu Shisan lifted his lips, pulling the wound on his face sorely.

Thinking of Han Shushu's appearance when he broke out before, his eyes were a little bright.

"The emperor's body is so precious, how can he let the girl mess around? The girl really lacks people who can test the poison, and the lowly position is willing to enter the South Courtyard." Chu Yun said indifferently.

Although it was precarious, it was better than being bullied by Han Shushu like his master.

"Do you think you are qualified to be her test subject?"

Chu Shisan looked at Chu Yun coldly.

Chu Yun couldn't help dripping with cold sweat, his hands and feet were cold, and he answered with downcast eyes: "D-Of course I'm not qualified, only the emperor is worthy to test poison for a girl."

(End of this chapter)

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