The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 953 Falling in love and killing each other: Life should share the same quilt, and death shou

Chapter 953 Falling in love and killing each other: Life should share the same quilt, and death should share the same acupuncture point 3
Han Shushu looked at the anklet pointedly, and asked Xiaocao, "Maybe with your internal strength, can you break this iron chain?"

She was thinking that the iron chain that Chu Shisan put so much effort into tailoring for her must not be a vulgar thing.

Xiaocao looked at the ankle chain that trapped Han Shushu, and shook her head truthfully: "I can't steal the key if I keep doing it."

After finishing speaking, she walked away dejectedly.

Han Shushu fell back on the couch weakly, and realized that only Nangong could help her get out of the warm pavilion.

But this is the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Whether Nangong can enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation is a question, let alone the Pavilion of Nuannuan?

The irony is that she just broke up with Nangong, but now she is counting on Nangong to help her regain her freedom.

this is not right!
She can't count on anyone to help her. To get out of the current predicament, she has to rely on herself.

Isn't it just to deal with Chu Shisan?

She originally wanted to deal with him, but the plot was not quite the same as she imagined.

So far, she is still the manipulator, so don't worry!
With an idea, Han Shushu was no longer anxious.

She lay down in peace, dreamless all night.

The next day, Chu Shisan came forward and made a special trip to the Nuan Pavilion.She thought Han Shushu was still sleeping, but she sat on the couch with wide-eyed eyes, as if she was waiting for him.

"Let's talk about a small deal! In this way, I will make lunch for you with my own hands, and you will give me half an hour of free time every day, and let me go out to bask in the sun." Han Shushu said calmly and authentically.

Chu Shisan patted her on the head, and replied without hesitation: "So you can try to escape? Don't play!"

After he finished speaking, he walked away with graceful steps.

Han Shushu clenched his fists tightly and looked at Chu Shisan's back with cold eyes.

If one plan fails, there is always a way to deal with Chu Shisan.

In the past, she tried every means to make Chu Shisan suffer.

Later, she took revenge on Nangong, and found that after the revenge, there was only endless emptiness and no sense of satisfaction.

Probably as Chu Shisan said, she is the benevolence of a woman.

She can't learn how cold-blooded and ruthless they are.

She used to let go of a hopeless relationship for 20 years, and finally came to this world after she couldn't get out of hatred.

Under the vicious circle, she still could not die well.

Perhaps it was because she was too greedy, greedy for those loves that looked beautiful but were poisonous, God punished her like this, making her unable to extricate herself from the entanglement of love and hate.

She wanted to let herself go, let Chu Shisan go, but Chu Shisan was obsessed with it...

After Chu Shisan came down to court, he went straight to the Nuan Pavilion.

From a distance, Shu Shu could be seen squatting on the ground, and she looked at a certain place on the ground absentmindedly.

He followed her line of sight, only to see an ant struggling endlessly, looking like it was about to die...

"People are like ants. Even though they know that there is no end ahead, they still rush to the end. Thirteen, I don't want to struggle with little love anymore. I haven't lived for myself once in this life. The world is so big, and there is still There are many meaningful things waiting for me to do."

Han Shushu stared at Chu Shisan with wide and bright eyes, clear and energetic.

"Thirteen, you have great plans and great ambitions, why don't you let me go, you go to regain the world, defeat Qin Zhuiyue, and unify the northern and southern kingdoms. Isn't this the result you wanted?" Han Shushu grabbed excitedly. Hold Chu Shisan's hand.

One day when he gets what he wants, she will be happy for him, for sure.

"The whole world is not as important as you alone." Chu Shisan replied lightly.

He patted the back of Han Shushu's hand and pulled her up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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