The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 969 My life is not long, confess my last words

Chapter 969 My life is not long, confess my last words (3)

For Han Shushu to do this, beheading is a serious crime. Is this woman crazy, dare to pour tea on his master's face?
"Chu Yun, if I were you, I would persuade your master not to mess with me! Today is just a cup of tea, next time, I don't guarantee that I will ruin his face!"

After Han Shushu finished speaking, he walked away quickly.

Chu Yun looked at Chu Shisan cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Miss has such a bad temper, please take more care of the emperor."

He stepped forward to help Chu Shisan wipe off the tea on his face, but saw Chu Shisan showing a nice smile.

It seems that Chu Shisan was very happy even if Han Shushu poured tea on him.

Han Shushu's ability has been as good as a day for ten years, which is really amazing.

Han Shushu returned to the carriage angrily, Wanxin didn't dare to go forward, and was about to stay away from Han Shushu, but Han Shushu shouted at her: "Wanxin, come here!"

Wanxin didn't dare to be negligent, she hurriedly went to Han Shushu, lowered her eyes and asked, "May I ask what your order is?"

"I've had enough! I'm going back to Beijing now. Chu Mubai is going to die on the battlefield. I won't accompany you!"

Han Shushu looked at Wanxin coldly.

Wanxin smiled, and said in a low voice: "Girl, slaves can't be the masters of this matter, it depends on the Emperor's will."

"Okay, go and report to your master, go and come back quickly." Han Shushu ordered impatiently.

"Yes." Wan Xin replied, and was about to get off the carriage.

Then, her body went numb, and before she could make a sound, Han Shushu sealed her dumb acupoint with needles.

"Don't stare at me, that bastard Chu Mubai forced me! If I don't run away, he will use my body for free every day..."

Han Shushu took off Wanxin's palace skirt while talking, and she quickly changed into Wanxin's palace skirt.

After taking care of herself, she quietly opened the curtain of the carriage, making sure that no one around was watching her, and then got out of the carriage.

She performed clumsy lightness kung fu and ran for about a mile, but saw a person standing with her back facing her in front of her.She knew which onion it was without looking at his face.

Her face was pale, her fists were clenched, and she wanted to run in another direction.

Unfortunately, in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of her, leaned over to look at her, and said with a smile, "You look good in Wanxin's clothes."

Han Shushu pushed him hard: "Aren't you going to fight? Why are you still wasting time here?!"

Didn't you say that you want to go to the imperial court personally? Why spend time with her here.

"Don't worry, with Xiaocao and the Great General here, Nanchu will not perish so quickly, so you don't need to worry about me. Let Qin Zhuiyue be proud for a while, and when his vigilance is most relaxed, I will kill him by surprise .”

"I'm not worried about whether you will perish or not, I am..."

Han Shushu shut up angrily, feeling that what he said was too much wrong.

She just hoped that Chu Shisan would be busy and not to get entangled with her. Why did the damned Chu Mubai always have trouble with her?
"I see, are you worried that you will become a widow?" Chu Shisan nodded knowingly, he patted Han Shushu's head, and opened his lips softly: "Don't worry, for you, I will also take care of my dragon." Body, I don't want to leave you alone."

Han Shushu pushed away Chu Shisan's hand and remained silent.

Chu Shisan glanced at the angry Han Shushu and smiled unconsciously.

Maybe she didn't realize it herself, but she has more expression recently, and she is no longer as lifeless as before.

Maybe if he tried a little harder and made her half dead, she would be able to return to the lively and cheerful little girl she was before.

(End of this chapter)

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