The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 971 My life is not long, confess my last words

Chapter 971 My life is not long, confess my last words (5)

Han Shushu panicked, and two silver needles slipped off her cuff.Before she had time to think about it, she ruthlessly plunged into his sleeping and pain points.

Chu Shisan was stabbed upright by her, but he just looked at her with pity and did not fall down.

Afterwards, the two silver needles stuck on his body rebounded out.

Chu Shisan pressed her under him, and kissed her face carelessly: "I want you, so you have to obediently give it to me!"

Han Shushu closed his eyes sadly: "Do you think I will stay willingly like this? Chu Mubai, I will only look down on you even more. I will not help you have a child, never!"

It was she who overestimated herself and thought that she could make him suffer.

In the end, she was just an ant in his palm.He could kill her with a light pinch, and there was no chance of her surviving.

"I am the emperor, I want your body, I want you to give birth to a child for me, this is an imperial decree, I won't allow you to say no!"

While Chu Shisan growled, he buried himself in Han Shushu's body...

Han Shushu clenched her fists in pain, and she closed her eyes, pretending that she was an unconscious piece of wood.

To Han Shushu, this night seemed to have no end.

She would rather be drugged herself and not remember what happened, nor would she become a tool for him to vent his desire.

In the end, she was nothing more than a tool in his hands.If he wants it, she must give it.

In the early hours of the morning, Han Shushu fell into a coma.

Chu Shisan stared at her sweaty little face intently, pecked her small chin lightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Tu Shu, I hurt you, you must continue to hate me..."

The more she hated him, the more she couldn't leave him, so that they could be entangled to the death and inseparable.

For the next two days, Han Shushu was bullied by Chu Shisan every night because she was too tired and couldn't get enough sleep.During the day, most people need to catch up on sleep.

Whenever Han Shushu's consciousness became clear, she always looked at Chu Shisan with more hatred.

Now she has been reduced to a tool for warming his bed.

Thanks to Chu Shisan's reminder, let her see her position clearly.

They rushed to the border town that day.

The Black Stone Terrace in the border town is the most important defensive place in Southern Chu.

The terrain of Heishitai is dangerous, it is close to Hussein, and the north is connected to the desert. If the Northern Qin army wants to enter the southern Chu, it is bound to take Heishitai.

So, as long as the Black Stone Terrace was defended, it would be foolish for the Northern Qin Army to attack the Southern Chu.

The drowsy Han Shushu was taken by Chu Shisan to the city wall of Heishitai Neiguan.

She leaned passively in Chu Shisan's arms, and his cloak wrapped her in it, and the two of them stood on top of the world like Siamese twins.

When standing on the high city wall, Han Shushu's only drowsiness disappeared.

In the distance, there is an endless grassland and sky, so magnificent and stretching, it makes people feel turbulent.

Han Shushu's heartbeat paused because of the vastness of nature.

In front of nature, people seem so small.

Only the size of the sky can reveal the smallness of human beings.

"I remember you said that you want to go out and have a look together. If we can die together at this moment, we will have no regrets, right?" Chu Shisan's voice blew into her ears along with the whistling wind.

Her eyes hurt.

Maybe it was because the wind was too strong, which made her lips very dry, and her heart seemed to be burning hot.

Chu Shisan hugged Han Shushu tightly, and said with a silent smile, "I know what you're thinking. You wish for me to die, but I can't bear to leave you alone. If I die, you will definitely be lonely."

(End of this chapter)

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