The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 974 My life is not long, confess my last words

Chapter 974 My life is not long, confess my last words (8)

After making up his mind, Nangong left the hotel.

As the days approached, he tried to meet Xiao Shu as little as possible so that she would not shake his determination.

Han Shushu didn't know that Nangong was struggling because of him.

After seeing Nangong, she went to find Chu Shisan.

Seeing her swaying in front of him, Chu Shisan said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

You can tell at a glance that she has other plans.

"My ex-husband came to see me just now. He said he missed me, and said he wanted to separate you and me." Han Shushu lightly picked the dragon-shaped totem on Chu Shisan's robe, leaned lazily on him, and smiled at him Be radiant.

When Chu Shisan heard the word "ex-husband", he felt uncomfortable.

Nangong unexpectedly also ran to the border town, he was so intensely staring at people, and even said that he wanted to separate him and Shushang...

"I can tell from the way he speaks with certainty that he is not joking. Thirteen, if we break up by then, you have to live a good life, and I will definitely live a prosperous life." Han Shushu said , and pressed a kiss on the top of Chu Shisan's head.


As soon as Chu Shisan exerted his strength, he pulled Han Shushu to sit on his lap.

He leaned his head on her thin shoulders, played with her hair hanging on her chest, and asked casually: "If I am going to die, will you save me?"

"No, I will only add another knife to your fatal part." Han Shushu replied with a smile.

Her gaze was fixed on Chu Shisan's face, "Are you going to die, then shall I prepare the coffin for you?"

Why did she feel that Chu Shisan was not joking?
His face was so pale that he looked sickly.And if he suddenly said that he was about to die, he couldn't be confessing his last words to her, could he?
Thinking of this, her smile gradually disappeared.

She suddenly remembered that recently he wanted her body day and night, and wanted her to conceive his child again. Could it be that because he was going to die, he wanted her to help him keep his offspring?

"I'm not willing to die. If I die, you will be lonely." Chu Shisan took a deep breath of the fragrance in Han Shushu's hair.

She was still in this world, how could he be willing to leave?

"I'd better prepare the coffin for you. I'll order a good coffin for you tomorrow." Han Shushu said and jumped off Chu Shisan's lap.

Unexpectedly, Chu Shisan pulled her back again, "Sit with me for a while."

Han Shushu didn't struggle this time, and leaned quietly in his arms.

It wasn't until Chu Shisan's light breathing sound came that Han Shushu knew that he was asleep.

His face was pale with cyan, and his lips were a little pale.

She had seen him fall ill before. At that time, his soul seemed to fly away, leaving only a shell.

In order not to wake up Chu Shisan, she quietly pricked his sleeping point. After making sure that he was in a deep sleep, she went to Chu Yun and said in a low voice, "Follow me."

Chu Yun followed Han Shushu according to his words, and Han Shushu asked when he was a little further away from the study room, "Did Thirteen get sick again recently?"

Chu Yun was taken aback for a moment, wondering if he should tell the truth.

"This is a matter of human life, give me an honest answer!" Han Shushu said in a deep voice.

"Just the day before we married the girl, the emperor fainted once." Chu Yun finally nodded.

"As expected!" Han Shushu's heart suddenly turned cold.

Was this person she was determined to hate for the rest of her life dying soon?

Since his health is not good, why did he run out and suffer?
What did you say about the imperial conquest? According to her, she came out to seek death...

(End of this chapter)

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