The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 980 This farewell, heaven and man are separated forever

Chapter 980 This farewell, heaven and man are separated forever (6)

Han Shushu just couldn't figure out why the novels she wrote in modern times would end up in the hands of Chu Shisan and the others.

Chu Shisan seemed to know the doubts in her heart, and lifted his lips softly: "There was a time when I liked to go to the library in Xuantian City, and I accidentally found this book written by you. At that time, I only thought that this book was different from others. , the font was also different, so I took it away by accident. I found out later that I got into trouble because of this. Xiaocao told me that the book I took away belonged to the treasure of Xuantian City, and there was a secret hidden in it..."

Han Shushu couldn't help but laugh: "Isn't it just a romance novel, can there be any secrets?"

She didn't know that the novel she wrote was so magical, and what secrets could be hidden in it.

"I had the same idea as you before. Later, the city lord fell ill. At that time, only Xiaoyao and I were there. The city lord confessed his last words before he died. The city lord said that the secret of this book lies with the author. Xuantian City was destroyed by the evil of Xuantian. Famous all over the world, but also because his martial arts are too venomous, if you practice them, you will be backlashed, and most people dare not practice them. Because I was eager for revenge, I chose the most domineering martial arts in the world. Before he died, the city lord told me that if I want to survive this calamity , I can find Han Shu, the soul of another world, and only she can save me. Later, the three of us left Xuantian City and knew that there was a foolish daughter named Han Shu in Han Xiang's mansion. At that time, I sneaked into Han Xiang Mansion, put Xiaocao next to Han Shu."

Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan absently.

It turned out that she had a relationship with Xuantian City early on, but she didn't understand why she was related to Xuantian City.

There are so many men and women in modern times, why is it her?
"You were born at four o'clock in the morning on the fourth day of April, right?" Chu Shisan squeezed Han Shushu's cold palm and asked softly.

Han Shushu nodded silently.

She once heard from the director of the orphanage that because she killed her biological mother when she was born, her father's company closed down soon after and jumped to his death because the time of her birth was too unlucky.She was born at such a time, which is the fate of the legendary Tiansha Lone Star.

So she was sent to an orphanage.

Because of this, after she entered the Nan family, she was never liked by the Nan family.

In fact, Nangong's parents didn't like her getting close to Nangong. If you think about it, it must be because of this reason, right?

"The evil of Xuantian was actually cast with a poisonous curse. Only the star of heavenly evil and the body of extreme yin can dissolve this curse. Coincidentally, you activated the poisonous curse of Xuantian City. When the poisonous curse rises, the strange soul descends. As for The former Han Shu is naturally worthless, so he should give up his body..."

"So, it was Xiaocao who killed Han Shu and gave me a chance to possess her, right?" A mocking smile appeared on Han Shushu's lips.

She looked at Chu Shisan coldly, and suddenly felt that the person in front of her was so strange.

Even if she had once conceived a child for him, and that child had no fate with her.

"From the very beginning, you were sure that I could save your life, so you can only be nice to me and obey me. No matter what I say or do, even if it means taking your life, you dare not object, right? If I didn't go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and I never took you back to the Nanyang Prince's Mansion, you will find a way to appear by my side, right?"

Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan absently.

"Yes! My ambition is in the world. If I want to win the world, I must first win my own life. You are my hope to survive, and you can only live by my side."

(End of this chapter)

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