Chapter 984 Thirteen, I Love You (2)

Life is like a dream, and they are just pawns for walking.

Maybe he came here just to repay the love debt owed to Xiao Shu in the previous life.

"If one day, you and I can go back to modern times, where there is no Chu Mubai, would you give me another chance?"

Nangong walked up to Han Shushu, held her shoulders, and asked her every word.

Han Shushu smiled, shook his head and replied, "I'm afraid that after you see my ruined face, you will spit out all the overnight food you ate."

"I just said if you give me the answer." Nangong corrected his expression and said again.

The smile on Han Shushu's face gradually subsided, she thought for a while, nodded and replied, "Maybe."

Is Nangong saying that he is likely to bring her back to modern times?
At that time, there will be no more Chu Shisan in that world.

Will all the people and things that happened here, including Xiaocao and Shisan, become an illusory dream?
"What if I say, I have a chance to bring you back to modern times? At that time, you can abandon everything here, including Thirteen, who hurt you. You can abandon everything. Are you willing to go back with me?" Nangong cautiously tried again.

He looked at Han Shushu's face carefully, trying to get some clues from her expression.

Han Shushu looked back calmly, "If you really have such ability, then I will go back with you. As long as I can leave this world, I can do whatever you want. In fact, my idea is very simple, as long as I can get away from Chu Mubai. A little farther away, anywhere is fine."

"Are you sure?" Nangong looked at Han Shushu suspiciously.

Why can't he feel the slightest sincerity from this woman?
"I lied to you, don't you take it seriously? Shisan is here, and I have to save his life. Where can I go? Even if I want to go, he can't let me go." Han Shushu said Pushing Nangong away, he stretched himself.

"Is it because you are reluctant to leave him, or is it because he won't let you go?" Nangong asked after Han Shushu.

"What's the difference? After all, it's the same result, and the two of us will be entangled to death." Han Shushu replied impatiently.

At this time, Nangong once again blocked her way, he suddenly clasped her shoulders hard, and growled at her: "What's so good about him, you know he wants to use you, but you still foolishly stay to be buried with him ?!"

"What's so good about Leng Ying, is it worth doing so much for her?" Han Shushu asked quietly.

Nangong was slightly taken aback, and then he remembered that he still had a cold shadow.

He does everything for Leng Ying.If Han Shushu hadn't reminded him just now, he would have almost forgotten about Leng Ying.

If he brings Xiao Shu back to modern times, what about Leng Ying?
At the beginning, he married Xiao Shu because of Leng Ying, but now, is he going to ruin everything he has worked so hard for?

"Let me ask you again, do you have to choose Chu Mubai?" Nangong asked with gloomy eyes.

"Yes!" Han Shushu replied without hesitation.

Although Nangong already knew this was the result, he still couldn't hide his disappointment when he heard her answer.

"You know my character. The only thing I can't get is ruined!" Nangong glared at Han Shushu fiercely: "It's too late for you to regret it now!"

"There is nothing to regret. I think it is enough to meet Shisan in this life." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he crossed Nangong's side and planned to find Chu Shisan.

(End of this chapter)

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