Chapter 996 It's a pity that I can't live with you forever (7)

When Han Shushu turned his eyes, he saw Nangong standing quietly behind him.

She struggled to get up, and said in a hoarse voice: "You promised me not to touch him, not to allow the Queen Mother to possess him. Nan Chu cannot live without Shisan. If the Queen Mother possesses him, Nan Chu will perish..."

She babbled, without point.

No, there is an important point. The important point is that Thirteen cannot die. He will continue to be his emperor. He is the most powerful and charming when he wears the dragon robe, which makes her most moved...

Nangong took a step back and opened his lips coldly: "We have already made a deal, and I will not break my promise. If you have any last words, tell him, maybe he can hear you, and I will give you a quarter of an hour."

After Nangong finished speaking, she hid in the darkness without looking back.

Since Xiao Shu chose Chu Mubai, he fulfilled her choice.

Han Shushu sat down next to Chu Shisan, and saw that his eyes were still wide open, and his eyes were no longer in focus.

She carefully traced his eyebrows and eyes, and kissed his beautiful eyebrows, his unfocused eyes, and his cool thin lips.

At this moment, she realized how much she couldn't let him go.

She stared blankly at the male face in front of her, remembering the time when she saw him at the beginning of last year.

He was in the garden at that time, she threw a stone at him, and then he stood in front of her coldly.

Everything seems to have happened yesterday, but it seems like a lifetime has passed.

She moved closer to Chu Shisan, leaned into his cold arms, and said in a hoarse voice: "San Shisan, you must listen carefully to what I say. First, you must live well. I hope you can be a competent Emperor, all emperors have Sangongs and Six Courtyards, which are covered by rain and dew. You are no exception, you know?"

The more women he met, the more he would find that she was nothing special.

What makes her special is that she has a thicker skin than women of this era, that's all.

"Secondly, this is the path I chose, and it has nothing to do with other people. That year, I was blinded by hatred, which caused the poisonous curse, and caused the lovers Nangong and Lengying to live in another world. Wrong It's my fault not with them. Don't attack them, promise me, okay? In fact, I don't regret at all that I caused the poisonous curse, let alone hurt Nangong and their lovers, because here I met you .”

"Third, I hope you can put your mind to it and stop being devoted to a woman, so you won't have to work so hard."

She murmured emotionally on his lips, and couldn't help pressing a kiss on the corner of his cold lips: "It is my greatest blessing to meet you in this life. It's a pity that my fortune is poor, and I can't grow old with you... "

She tasted her own salty tears, perhaps mixed with his.

After Han Shushu finished speaking, he put Chu Shisan aside.

"You have a good sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine. If you can, forget about Han Shushu..."

She pressed a kiss on Chu Shisan's lips, and looked at him reluctantly for a while, then got up and walked away.

Unable to move his body, Chu Shisan could hear Han Shushu talking, he could feel her warmth and her sweetness, he wanted to hold her, and he wanted to talk to her a lot.

It's a pity that he is clearly here, but his body is out of his control, so he can only watch her walk into the night helplessly.

She once brought a ray of light to his life, and also dispelled all the darkness and haze for him. He thought that becoming a strong man would give him everything he wanted.

But it turned out that he couldn't control anything.

(End of this chapter)

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