Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 1502 Exposure of the Queen [10]

Chapter 1502 Exposure of the Queen [10]

Immortal Lu Zhong lowered his head, and said hesitantly: "She said...she wants...to... Fairy Qiulu's death is unknown, she wants...to report to Tianjun, please His Majesty Tianjun to find out...to find out the real culprit, Give Fairy Qiulu... justice."

The Immortal Officer Lu Chong spoke very slowly, and his voice was not high, especially the word 'true murderer' was almost inaudible, but Tianhou did not miss a single word.

She stood up abruptly, raised her hand and swung down heavily on the other half of the official's face.


It was another loud slap in the face, which made the ears of the Luzhong Immortal Official humming, he shook his body a few times and finally did not fall down.He could only see Tianhou's mouth opening and closing rapidly, but he couldn't hear what she was saying...

Immortal Officer Lu Chong gritted his teeth to endure the humiliation, and after the tinnitus gradually subsided, he finally heard what Tianhou was saying.

"Fairness? Bengong thinks highly of her with her body as a little lowly maidservant, and dares to sue him in front of Tianjun. Damn it, I must deal with her severely..."

The Immortal Officer Luzhong knelt and climbed two steps forward, and said with a sad face: "Your Majesty, please be angry, Your Majesty, please be angry, it is not worthwhile for you to be angry with them. What are their identities, how can they be worthy of your anger... If you think If you are angry in your heart, why don't you hit the servant a few more times."

Lu Zhongxianguan's behavior at the moment is definitely a typical dog-legged loyal servant whose master hits you on the left cheek, and he also sticks out the right cheek for the master to beat you.

That utterly loyal appearance really moved people's hearts when they saw it, and even the enraged Tianhou suddenly felt that she had gone too far with the Luzhong Immortal Official. After all, there are too few people who can be so loyal to her at this time. , and there is only this one in front of me.

Tianhou's tone softened: "Get up, Ben Gong... I'm just out of breath, I shouldn't take it out on you,"

Lu Zhong hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Dade: "I thank you, my slave."

Lu Zhong continued without fear of death: "Young lady, this time... let's hide in the lower realm first, the Baihua fairy is extremely difficult, and now she is asking all the fairies in Baihuayuan to go out separately to find out which palace people have disappeared recently. , Then count them up, and send them all to His Majesty Tianjun, please His Majesty, Your Majesty, please leave now before they reach His Majesty, so that there will be no firewood for the green hills."

Lu Chongxian is used to trying to figure out the thoughts of superiors, so he also has some understanding of Tianhou. The more you persuade her to do something, the more she will sing against you. That's why Lu Zhongxian officials spared no effort to persuade her. .

Tianhou's eyes widened suddenly, and her voice was raised: "What, she actually went to inquire about the missing fairy maidservant?"

Immortal Lu Chong lowered his head immediately: "It's your mother, it's absolutely true, and I'm inquiring about it right now."

The Queen of Heaven roared immediately: "Bitch, man, bitch, man...you bastard fairy, I have promoted you a lot in the past, and you dare to do this to me..." The Queen's complexion suddenly changed, Her eyes were fierce like a poisonous snake aiming at its prey, and her eyes fixed on the Luzhong Immortal Official: "No, how did she know that the maidservant was missing again?"

"Your Majesty... this, this... In fact, it is no longer a secret that maidservants in various palaces have disappeared one after another. In the beginning, when Fairy Qiulu disappeared and she didn't know she was dead, a fairy in Baihuayuan proposed that there was a missing fairy."

——It’s easy to get angry when the weather is dry recently. Babies should drink plenty of water and eat more fruits, otherwise getting angry will be terrible...

(End of this chapter)

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