Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 1584 Golden Bell! 【7】

Chapter 1584 Golden Bell! 【7】

Zhong Lian shivered, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

What Lu Zhong said is right, this Tiangong is getting worse and worse, Tianjun is planning to go to the dark alley, but...he doesn't want to accompany him to go on like this.

Zhonglian pondered, should he tell Tianjun about the new rumors outside?To say the unlucky is still himself.

Now that he is no longer as loyal as before, when he is on errands, it is fine, anyway, even if he doesn't say anything, it will soon reach Tianjun's ears.

He is only responsible for "catch and release" now, even if Tianjun gets angry at that time, he can use it to dismiss it by saying that the humble minister is doing things for His Majesty Bi.

Zhong Lian touched the jade pendant hanging from his waist, and laughed at himself. He didn't expect that he, who has always been known for his integrity, would also imitate Lu Zhong's leftist,

One of his subordinates pressed down five or six cursed gods and asked, "General, what should we do now? These people will continue to be imprisoned."

Zhong Lian waved his hand casually: "En, Guan..."


That hand suppressed the god who spread the rumors and walked towards the prison.

Unexpectedly, among those few, suddenly there was one who was not afraid of death, turned around and shouted at Zhong Lian, "Zhong Lian, you are helping the evildoer..."

Zhong Lian froze for a moment, helping the evildoer?This word...hehe...he really didn't want to do it.


Lu Zhong received a new order from Qingmao from Pantaoyuan. After returning, he pondered all night, tossing and turning pancakes on the bed, and finally got a clue when he rolled to dawn.

If you want to provoke the gods of the Celestial Clan to rebel quickly, you must first find out where their lair is...

After dawn, Lu Zhong used all kinds of channels he had been searching for news for many years, and finally found some clues.

Lu Zhong tidied up his clothes, put on a Su Chan wardrobe that he thought was too rare, and closed the door.

No one knows where Lu Zhong went, what he did, or what he said.

But on the second day after he came back, without any expectation or warning, under the leadership of Leizu Tianzun, a handful of gods called "overthrow the tyranny, the government, and kill the faint king" overnight. The banner is so grandiosely reversed.

And it eloquently lists the ten crimes of Tianjun, with fierce words and sharp writing. After reading it, people feel that a bloodthirsty, cruel, and senseless fool is on the paper, making people hate it.

In the extreme time, Beitian Palace was quickly captured, and the opposition forces under Leizu Tianzun's command spread rapidly like wildfire spring breeze.

Seeing his rebellion, some other gods who were on the sidelines began to move around, and a few small forces simply took advantage of this opportunity to raise the banner of rebellion.

In short, Jiuchongtian was really in chaos for a while, gunpowder smoke was everywhere, everyone was in danger, and some gods went directly to the Heavenly Palace, and they didn't know where they went.


Inside Lingxiao Temple:

A quarter of an hour ago, Tianjun got the news of Leizu Tianzun's rebellion and rebellion. After killing the guard who reported the news, he smashed the things in the study to pieces. Yes, there is not a single intact thing in the room.

Tianjun's facial features are ferocious, his hair is messy, his clothes are wrinkled, and his whole body is like a madman. He roared and shouted: "Looking for death, all of them are looking for death. I am Tianjun, the true emperor of destiny, the only emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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