Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 1652 The Land of the Extreme North [14]

Chapter 1652 The Land of the Extreme North [14]

Zhong Lian admitted that he did have his own little calculations and wanted to use the power of the demons to realize his dreams.

Once he can gather all nine artifacts, stabilize the Sanqing Heavenly Realm, and benefit the Three Realms, then... what a great merit it will be.

Besides, he always felt that the ancient great demon cultivators such as the Demon Emperor and the Green Nightmare Demon Lord would never have the same knowledge as his junior, and they would definitely not turn a blind eye to the Three Realms.

Therefore, he made every effort to meet the Demon Lord Cyan Nightmare.

But...he miscalculated, neither Yutian Xuanhuang nor Qingmai Demon Lord could calculate.

They can actively choose to help others, but it is absolutely impossible for them to accept any coercion mixed with threats.

Demons are demons, so don't say anything in front of them, such as for the benefit of the Three Realms.

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord's middle finger tapped on the table, the sound was not light or heavy, to Zhong Lian's ears, it was like a thunderbolt, the eardrums of the shock hurt and buzzed.

"You don't need to explain, I have very good ears, and I understand very well in my heart." The Green Nightmare Demon Lord spoke calmly, with a calm expression, and that style of elegance was not compromised.

Zhong Lian knew that he was too conceited and did something wrong this time, so he could only plead guilty over and over again: "Senior Demon Monarch, this junior is reckless, please don't get angry, senior..."

"Do you really think that my Demon Race is so easy to be used by you, or do you think that neither the Lord nor the Demon Emperor know what you are actually paying attention to?"

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord has also lived for more than a hundred thousand years, and has seen so many things in the world. How could an ambitious fairy like Zhong Lian hide his thoughts from him.

Zhong Lian's goal is not just to use the help of the demons to collect the artifacts, and then take the sheep by hand, to make a great merit for himself, and to pave the way for what he will do in the future.

Hmph, don't even look at him, what kind of status is he? Even though Tianjun valued him in the past, his qualifications are also irreversible flaws.

Zhong Lian saw that it was impossible, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, "This junior shouldn't come here rashly, disturbing Senior Demon Lord, it's my fault, this junior should go back now."

Just as he was about to leave, he heard the Green Nightmare Demon Lord slowly say: "Actually... it's not impossible to help..."

Zhong Lian was overjoyed, turned around and shouted: "Senior Demon Lord..."

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord interrupted him: "Don't be so excited, my help is not for nothing."

Maybe when I finish talking about the conditions, you will hate me to death.

Zhonglian didn't want to think too much, as long as the Green Nightmare Demon Lord could help him find out the whereabouts of Shennong Ding and Nuwa Stone, he would have nothing to worry about.

"If you have any conditions, senior, please tell me, and this junior will definitely be willing."

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord crossed his left leg over his right leg, with a warm smile on his face: "There is only one condition, I'm afraid...you won't be willing."

"Senior Demon Monarch, please feel free to speak bluntly, as long as you can help this junior, no matter what the conditions are, this junior will definitely go all out to do it."

Zhong Lian was very excited at the moment, not to mention one condition, he would do it without hesitation.

For that position, for his ambition, he must do his best.

"What I want is not to go all out, but... to do it, and it's not difficult."

"Please speak up."

The Green Nightmare Demon Monarch looked into his eyes with a gentle expression, and said softly, "I want you to swear that you will never covet the position of the Heavenly Monarch or control the government affairs of the Celestial Clan. Maybe you can do it?"


(End of this chapter)

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