Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 1852 New Lord of the Celestial Clan [4]

Chapter 1852 New Lord of the Celestial Clan [4]

Zhong Lian shivered in fright, and hurriedly said: "No, Zhong Lian will never dare to wishful thinking, but no matter how powerful the Green Nightmare Demon King is, there is a difference between immortals and demons, and there are not no virtuous and talented people in the Celestial Clan, so... ...Don't dare to trouble the Lord Qingmao Demon..."

After saying these words, Zhong Lian felt that he was desperate.

Maybe the Demon Emperor will kill him directly!

Unexpectedly, Yutian Xuanhuang was not angry, but instead asked: "You all think so too!"

All the immortals were silent, no one dared to speak...

They all know that this decision is absolutely impossible to change. If it really gets serious, maybe the Demon Emperor will simply make the Tianzu no longer have a Tianjun forever, let the Jinshu Demon Lord guard the Tiangong forever, like He looked at them like a prisoner...

Rather than doing this, in fact, it would be better to let the Demon Lord Green Nightmare do it!
Yu Tianxuanhuang raised his voice and said: "The Demon Lord Qingmai became a god in ancient times, even if he fell into the devil way, he is still a fallen fairy with the godhead of an ancient god. Who among you has more seniority than him, and who is more cultivated than him? Higher, who is better at playing tricks than him?"

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord twitched, hey, hey, the first two compliments are fine, but the last one is playing tricks?Is this a boast?Is it is it?

It's obviously hurting him, okay?

Yutian Xuanhuang said again: "The Heavenly Monarch chosen by the emperor for you is the most suitable and the only one. If it wasn't for his unwillingness, he would have been the Heavenly Monarch 10 years ago. How could he take turns?" Get that thing to control Tiangong for these years!"

The 'thing' he was talking about was, of course, Ren Tianjun, who is still locked up in the cell, almost dead.

The immortals trembled one after another. Most of them were post-ancient immortals. When they became immortals, the Cyan Nightmare Lord had already returned to the Demon Realm and degenerated into a demon.

Therefore, they don't know much about the Demon Lord of the Green Nightmare, and they only know some things from some fragments of legends.

Some peeked at the Demon Lord of the Green Nightmare. He was standing quietly in front of the Demon Queen. He was dressed in green clothes, his back was straight, his face was expressionless, elegant and elegant, and he couldn't seem to appease his anger. All gods have a fairy taste.

If he is allowed to be the Heavenly Monarch...Actually, it's not...unacceptable!

Zhong Lian still didn't give up, he said: "But..."

As soon as he uttered a word, Yutian Xuanhuang waved his long-sleeved shirt, Zhong Lian felt that he was overturned by a powerful force, and he rolled on the ground a few times before stopping.

Yu Tianxuanhuang's face was serious and indifferent, "I will finally tell you that your Heavenly King can only be him, or...you will never have a Heavenly King."

Zhong Lian's face was ashen, sure enough... the Demon Emperor said these words...

Regarding the new monarch, it is absolutely impossible for any changes to be made, and the status of the Demon Lord of the Green Nightmare is still established. ...

SkyClan, really, is entering an unknown era.

Yutian Xuanhuang's words made almost all the gods fully understand the reality.

The reality is that they are no longer the gods of the Celestial Clan, and their life and death are in the hands of others, so how can the Demon Emperor change the candidate for the new king. . .

So a god came out to flatter him: "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor is wise, the successor you have chosen is naturally... the best. "

(End of this chapter)

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