Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 1854 New Lord of the Celestial Clan [6]

Chapter 1854 New Lord of the Celestial Clan [6]

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: "Oh, but at this time, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and soon the news of you becoming the new ruler of the Celestial Clan will spread throughout the three realms, my lord sees, you should do what you can first! My lord believes in you. "

Qingyan gritted her teeth and spit out a word: "Get lost..."

All the gods were waiting for the Demon Lord of the Green Nightmare to let them get up, but he kept silent, and they didn't dare to get up.

Yutian Xuanhuang stretched out his hands to grab his shoulders, and said, "Don't be like this, you're already a Heavenly Monarch, in front of so many gods, you should at least have a measure, don't you?"

"Measurement? I don't have any... You can find whoever you want to be the king of heaven. In short...don't count on me. If you make me anxious, I don't care about anything."

Yutian Xuanhuang smiled, laughed, and said in a low voice: "Green Nightmare..."

His voice was very low, so low that no one could hear him clearly, and everyone didn't know what he said, only saw the various expressions on the face of the Green Nightmare Demon Lord, which looked very funny.

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord seemed to be constipated. After a long time, he said bitterly: "...you are cruel..."

"It's easy to say, easy to say... Let them get up quickly—Tianjun." Yutian Xuanhuang let go of his arms and pointed to the people below.

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord took a deep breath, and he finally realized the feeling of driving ducks to the shelves.

He took a step forward, with a haze on his face, and said loudly: "Get up, this gentleman... is not difficult to get along with, but he is not easy to calculate either. I know what you think in your heart, so I won't say anything else today." , in the future, let’s go and see.”

What Qing Nightmare said didn't sound deterrent, and many gods below began to secretly calculate whether they could gain any benefits from him in the future.

But only Zhong Lian didn't think so in his heart. Others don't know about Qing Nightmare Lord, but he still knows it. From his several contacts with Qing Nightmare, he knows that he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Already, the kind that would be fatal in one shot.

Therefore, he absolutely did not dare to expect any benefits from the Demon Lord Cyan Nightmare.

In the future...it will be good if he doesn't clean up! '

The first meeting between the monarch and his ministers was dismissed in such a hurry.

Their official meeting will have to wait until the day when the Green Nightmare Demon Lord ascends the throne.

Afterwards, Yutian Xuanhuang dispersed some unimportant immortals, leaving only a small number of immortals whose identity and status had certain influence in the Celestial Clan.

He ordered the demon soldiers to call Jinshu Demon Lord, and asked him to work with Qingyan to put the recast Donghuang Bell into the Sanqing Heaven Realm, and take out the other nine artifacts.

Jinshu Mojun was overjoyed when he heard that Qingmao Mojun would succeed Tianjun, and he could leave Tiangong after putting the artifact in, and he said, "Oh, thank goodness, you came, this place is so boring. ...Congratulations, congratulations, being a Heavenly Monarch, it's great..."

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord's face darkened immediately, congratulating him while talking about Tiangong being boring?Damn, this is congratulations to him for finally getting out of the sea of ​​suffering!
Uncle, the more I think about it, the more aggrieved I feel...

After finally getting her to agree, Yutian Xuanhuang was afraid that he would lose his mind and get confused again, so he hurriedly said, "Go...the two of you join forces, it will be absolutely fine."

(End of this chapter)

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