Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 2080 Extra Story: The Phoenix Is Flying 【215】

Chapter 2080 Extra Story: The Phoenix Is Flying 【215】

The Duke of Toledo was the saddest when he heard the news that they were leaving tomorrow. Huh, once they leave, where will we see such a perfect family of three and such a beautiful person again in the future?

So the Duke of Toledo got into his coffin when he was sad, and mourned alone for a long time.

Until someone outside said: "He will leave tomorrow, if you don't hurry up to watch it, you will never see it again in the future, and you still have time to be sad here, it is enough to have you."

This sentence can be said to wake up the dreamer, and the Duke of Toledo immediately got up from the coffin.

yes!He's hiding his heart at this moment, he's a woolen wool, and he doesn't take advantage of the limited time to look twice, there will be plenty of time to be sad in the future.

He immediately jumped out of the coffin, and only then did he see who the speaker was.

At this moment, all the large windows in his room were opened, and a slightly drunk wind was blowing in from the outside, and a tall figure was sitting on the window sill.

He was sitting sideways on the window sill with one leg drooping and the other bent, stepping on the window sill. A black retro-style coat with a bit of military uniform was laid on him, making him look grammatically stiff, handsome and resolute, with red Her hair glistened in the sun, and her pale and flawless face was even more eye-catching.

The foot of the Duke of Toledo, who was about to run out, was stuck to the ground in an instant. The corner of his mouth twitched for a while, and he said with some trembling: "Uncle Mokawi..."


It was noon, the weather was just right, the sun was shining brightly...

Little Baozi sat on the swing, and Lyle pushed him tirelessly from behind.

Baozi's parents are in charge of sitting under the flower vines to enjoy, and by the way, waiting for the Duke of Toledo's lunch.

Because they are leaving tomorrow, today is a farewell.

The Duke of Toledo naturally had to do his best to entertain them for the last two meals.

Little Baozi had a great time, and every time the swing reached the highest point, he would laugh happily.

He was still reluctant to wait until the Duke of Toledo brought the lunch
This time he cooks French cuisine.

Steak with black pepper and herbs, fried scallops with foie gras, creamy flower soup, French boiled shrimp, etc... There are also many small desserts, as well as some hot and cold appetizers, and the table is full.

Toledo can't wait to cook all the dishes he knows, so that he won't have the opportunity to cook if he doesn't see him in the future.

The little bun was finally willing to get off the swing because of the strong aroma, and ran over with his short legs.

Zhuge Canglan hugged him to the side and said to Duke Toledo, "Thank you..."

It was rare for the Duke of Toledo to be willing to sit outside. He stared at the three of them, and hurriedly said, "You're welcome, you really don't need to..."

Lyle also sat down, and there was a glass of red wine in front of them. The four adults raised the wine glasses, said a few words, and when they were about to drink, a figure suddenly descended from the sky.

Like a god descending, he came before them and landed in the sea of ​​flowers, very poised.

He walked towards them, so tall, so handsome, with red and seductive eyes, feminine and handsome, but not lacking in masculinity, walking on the street is enough to make all the girls scream and go crazy.

Zhuge Canglan and Yutian Xuanhuang looked at each other, she was puzzled, but a sneer flashed in Lord Demon Emperor's eyes.

Looking at the expressions of the Duke of Toledo and Lyle, the two are stiffer than the other...


(End of this chapter)

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