Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 497 Midnight Visitor [1]

Chapter 497 Midnight Visitor [1]

Lingxi Island is full of fairy spirits, especially in the canyon, where no one goes to the mountains and forests, the aura is more pure, Zhuge Canglan will drill into the canyon whenever he has time.

Lan Jue persuaded her many times, telling her that there would be danger in the canyon if there were beasts with unopened spirit apertures, but Zhuge Canglan had never heard of it.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since I arrived at Lingxu Island, and this month can be regarded as the easiest and most comfortable life for Zhuge Canglan after he came to this world.

But Zhuge Canglan also knows that this kind of day won't be too long. Lin Shu's injury is recovering quickly, and the limelight from a month ago is slowly blowing away. After waiting for a month, Li Xingyun's patience is also about the same up.

Before long, it's time for her to find a way to play tricks on her, and her days of stability are coming to an end.


As night fell, after dinner, Zhuge Canglan went back to his room to rest.

Being in danger for many years made Zhuge Canglan's awareness of danger extremely advanced.

She has a habit, no matter where it is safe or not, she must set up defenses around her before going to bed, and she will know immediately if there is any change at night.

So she set up two barriers around the room before going to bed.

At night, Zhuge Canglan was fast asleep in the middle of the night, when the first layer of enchantment she arranged around the room suddenly moved, she was so startled that she immediately opened her eyes and started to work, only to see a black shadow coming from outside her room door. flashed by.

Before he had time to think about it, Zhuge Canglan pulled off his coat and draped it over his shoulders, then quickly chased him out without putting on his shoes.

Zhuge Canglan chased the black shadow all the way out of the Ministry of Justice. There were patrols on Lingxu Island at night. She avoided the patrols all the way and followed closely behind.

She didn't notice it just now, but later, Zhuge Canglan gradually realized that if she was fast, the black shadow would be fast, and if she was slow, he would be slow, as if he was deliberately luring her.

Bypassing most of Lingxu Island, the black shadow led Zhuge Canglan to the northwest coast where few people go...

The sea breeze was gusty, and it was blowing fiercely, and the waves beat against the reefs on the shore, making bursts of sound.

Zhuge Canglan stopped in his tracks, looked at the black figure with his back to her, and shouted coldly: "Who, don't hide your head and show your tail..."'

The man turned around and faced Zhuge Canglan. What surprised her was that he was wearing the clothes of the 'Night Patrol Department' which was in charge of night patrols, and that face was very strange, something she had never seen before.

"Who are you, why did you lead me out? What do you want to do?"

The man looked at her for a while, but there was no malice in his eyes, and he said, "Little girl, it's me..."

Zhuge Canglan froze for a moment, the voice was very familiar, it was...it was...

An astonishing scene appeared in front of Zhuge Canglan. She watched the man's facial features change little by little. An ordinary face gradually turned into an alluring one, and finally turned into Huo Xuan's face.

Zhuge Canglan was taken aback, and immediately looked around, seeing that there was no danger trotting towards him, he shouted in a low voice: "You are so brave, you dare to run to Lingxi Island, this is not an ordinary mortal world, if you are caught I found it, and there is no one to collect your body."

Huo Xuan only changed one face, his height and hair were not his own, which was completely inconsistent with him, he patiently listened to Zhuge Canglan's words, then raised his hand to rub her bangs...



(End of this chapter)

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