
Chapter 207 A New Alliance

Chapter 207 A New Alliance (1)

Empress Dowager Wei gritted her teeth loudly: "No one would say that he was not filial or fraternal, that he could not tolerate his own mother and younger brother, but would only say that he killed his relatives righteously and pleased people's hearts.

This kid is vicious, if he had known that he was such an unfilial thing, he should have been crushed to death when he was born. "

Miao Lin ran in: "Mother, Zhao Hongtu has brought people to search, saying that he wants to search out the villains hiding in the palace, and clean them up, so that they won't cause trouble to the palace."

Empress Dowager Wei's eyes widened, and she realized that she was powerless, because there were monsters in the Kunlun Palace who made trouble, and she said it herself.

This is really a big loss if you can't steal the chicken and lose the rice.

It was late at night, Zhong Weiwei lay on Chonghua's body, counted how many eyelashes he had, and said very jealously:

"I've never seen a man with such thick and curly eyelashes, it should be on my eyes."

Although her eyelashes are long, they are not curly and sparse, which makes her very dissatisfied, but she has no other choice but to be jealous.

Chonghua squinted his eyes comfortably, and said in a low voice: "On the contrary, I like your eyes and eyelashes the most. The eyelashes are sparse and wide, giving people a relaxed, wide, clean and lazy feeling. You can see the bottom at a glance, clear and clear ,I love so much."

Zhong Weiwei felt sweet in his heart, and accepted it unceremoniously: "Your Majesty and I are a match made in heaven. Your temper is too bad, only I can bear it;
Your mind is too small, only I can forgive you; your broken things are too many, only I can resolve them; your..."

Chonghua kissed her, turned over and pressed her down, and said in a low voice: "There is also my greed, only you can satisfy..."

Zhong Weiwei had suffered enough yesterday, and didn't want him to succeed. He was panting and fighting with him, and asked him:
"Is that what Lin Nianzhen made, is it really that fairy pill? Is that what I smelled in Tianji Pavilion yesterday?"

Chonghua knew that she was afraid of pain, although it was a pity, but he also knew that she had to take it easy, otherwise she would be scared the first time, and the fun would be lost in the future.

He let her go lazily: "That's the thing, but the skin is empty. The thing has evaporated, leaving no trace."

Zhong Weiwei laughed: "It turns out that His Majesty is blackmailing."

Chonghua snorted coldly: "If she has no ghosts in her heart, how can she be afraid of blackmail from me?"

Looking sideways at Zhong Weiwei: "Didn't I tell you to stay in the room? Why did you run out? You still want to hit the pillars to show your ambitions, who taught you?"

Zhong Weiwei said: "No one needs to teach, I just want you to know that I am with you."

Chonghua fell silent, stared at her for a while, and stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

After a long time, he said softly: "Yeyou, you might as well teach him some elegant things, he doesn't need to learn the art of cooperating with emperors."

Zhong Weiwei didn't expect that he would tell her this at such a time, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Chonghua: "You..."

Chonghua said earnestly: "It's also impossible to inherit the country."

"Because of his parentage?"

This is a very confidential, important and sensitive matter. Zhong Weiwei knew that he had better not ask more questions, but he couldn't help it.

Chonghua didn't evade her question: "Yes. In this life, he will grow up safely and healthily, just being a wealthy and idle person is enough."

Zhong Weiwei felt strange. Before Chonghua, he praised Youyou's mother as unparalleled in the world, and said that he owed Youyou a debt, and he usually attached great importance to Youyou.

She thought it would not be unusual for Chonghua to become the prince again in the future.

But he didn't expect that he would say such a thing to her. Is this to reassure her?

Afraid that if she has her own child, it will be bad for her?Or are you afraid that she will think too much?

Seeing her distracted, Chonghua quickly kissed her carefully: "I should worry about these things, you don't have to think about them.

I told you before that I want you to marry me and be my queen.This is sincere, but you and I both know that this is not something that can be done overnight.

Zuo Zuo has passed Ming Road today, I plan to make you a concubine first, and when you are pregnant, I will be a queen. "

Zhong Weiwei said in a low voice: "Let's not talk about the queen's affairs for now, and the concubine's affairs also take a step back, I think it's more comfortable to be a female official.

I can meet with you every day, be together every day, go out to the palace for a stroll, fight tea with Chen Shaoming and so on. "

Chonghua sensed that she was depressed, although he didn't know why, but he could vaguely guess it.

He couldn't explain it, but he didn't regret saying what he had to say clearly.

The positioning of Youyou is very important, otherwise, if the heart is raised, it will be a tragedy that you will not be able to distinguish the seriousness in the future.

Zhong Weiwei knew in her heart that it made her unhappy at the moment, but when she figured it out, she would feel relieved.

He was petty and tender, racked his brains to think of a few jokes, and promised to take Zhong Weiwei to the tea garden to watch tea another day. Then Zhong Weiwei slowly relaxed, chatted with him, and fell asleep.

Chonghua lightly placed a kiss on her forehead, got up and went out.

Zhao Hongtu waited outside, and when he saw him come out, he whispered: "The palace has checked, but anyone who can be related to that matter has been screened out.

Some of them resisted stubbornly and committed suicide. The rest will be detained in the Xingming Palace for examination, and His Majesty will go to see the big fish when they are picked out. "

Chonghua asked blankly: "Where is Zhilan Hall?"

Zhao Hongtu said: "Concubine Xuan has closed the door tightly since yesterday, not allowing people around her to come in or out, and sending people to investigate today is also very cooperative.

However, the people around her were very clean, and nothing could be found out.Even the palace servants who raised their shoulders are still in the hands of the Empress Dowager and have nothing to do with her. "

Chonghua raised the corners of his lips: "It's a clean one, what about Xicui Palace?"

Zhao Hongtu said: "The side of Xicui Palace, according to your arrangement, has not moved for the time being."

The cleaning operation in the palace went on and on for several days, Empress Dowager Wei shrank back in the palace and remained silent, and Mrs. Lu also rarely made a sound.

The two giants did not show up regardless of the situation, and everyone in the palace was in danger, and they didn't even dare to speak loudly.

I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I'll be caught and charged with a party rebellion and conspiracy.

One-third of the people in Empress Dowager Wei's palace were taken away, and even Li Xiaoshou, whom she relied on the most, was taken to the Punishment Division for a few days of interrogation, and even sentenced to death.

When I came back, I was out of shape, and I really suffered enough.

Empress Dowager Wei was so angry that she had nowhere to dissipate her bad breath, and when she faced the cold wind, she was really sick.

Chonghua brought Zhong Weiwei to see her. She was angry and inevitably uttered bad words. Chonghua didn't scold her, but ordered Zhong Weiwei: "Fulfill your duties."

Zhong Weiwei immediately took out the tube and paper that she carried with her, and carefully recorded what happened just now.

Queen Mother Wei was so angry that she was half dead again, and she drove them away sickly, out of sight and out of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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