
Chapter 356 He is here

Chapter 356 He is here (1)

Seeing such a river view, Zhong Weiwei took a deep breath, feeling that his heart was going to open up a lot.

About two cups of tea later, Xiaotang hurried in and said excitedly: "Girl, you can comb your hair yourself, and I'll pack your things. We're going to change rooms."

Zhong Weiwei was very curious: "What room should I change? Isn't this one very good?"

Xiaotang pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't you think it's stuffy and fishy? Master He found someone, and they promised to change us to a bigger and better room."

Zhong Weiwei didn't move: "The reason why I feel stuffy is my own disease, and the fishy smell is also the reason for my sense of smell.

The sense of smell is too sensitive, and wherever you go, you will feel fishy.That's good, you go and tell brother, don't owe others too much love. "

Xiaotang put back her smile, put the clothes back where they were, and said, "You're right, it's not good to owe too much favor."

Zhong Weiwei felt that she seemed to be saying something, so she couldn't help but wondered: "What's wrong with you?"

Xiaotang didn't dare to tell Zhong Weiwei about those strange behaviors of He Suoyi, fearing that what she heard would only increase her troubles and affect her recovery, so she said, "No, I just think that Mr. He is very capable."

Zhong Weiwei was silent for a moment, and said, "Indeed."

When he was in Cangshan, the senior brother would go out for a trip every once in a while, and the longest trip was almost a year.

Every time he can bring back rubbings of inscriptions, ancient books, all kinds of strange specialties and so on, the children in the village surrounded his house tightly, and she never participated.

Because she knows that the best is always left for the last, from foster father to Zhong Mao, from senior sister to senior wife, even Chonghua, everyone has it.

Sometimes it's all pens, sometimes it's all ink, sometimes it's all tea, and sometimes it's all paper.

They are all what she wants very much. They are exquisite, expensive, beautiful and easy to use, and they cost a lot of money.

Even the picky mistress and elder sister can't help but praise that elder brother has a heart.

However, he was willing to spend money to buy these, but he was wearing old clothes.

Every time he talked about it, he always smiled lazily: "I can't help it, brother is poor, and he has a good face, the gifts are meager and can't be sold, and the clothes are old but girls like them.

It is also fun to meet such a beautiful rich daughter who will chase after me to give me a fancy dress. "

When the elder sister hears this, she always blushes and criticizes him: "Eldest brother is talking nonsense again, I'm going to tell Aniang." Then she hurried away.

He didn't care at all, he leaned under the pear tree in front of the yard, smiled and said, "Awei, what do you think?"

She believed it to be true: "Brother is outstanding, it is only natural that a girl chases after you and wants to give you a fancy dress.

I am very proud of my brother. Every time I go down the mountain with you to the market, I can be honored by you and receive a lot of delicious food. "

The eldest brother laughed "haha": "Silly Awei." Then he ignored her: "Go, I want to be alone."

She usually leaves very obediently and obediently, and after turning around and walking not far away, she will see Chonghua standing on the road with a stern face waiting for her.

Seeing her coming, he grabbed her hand and dragged her forward: "I knew you came here."

She distributed the presents brought back by the senior brother to him, trying to ease the relationship between him and the senior brother: "Here, didn't you think the pen and paper were not easy to use last time? The senior brother brought them back for you."

Chonghua squinted at her, and snorted coldly: "Is he going to give it to me?"

She persistently handed the pen and paper to him: "It's really good, very expensive."

Chonghua despises her: "I haven't seen the world! Is that good? You have never seen anything better."

She was not convinced, she had seen such good things before, and there was no lack of them at home when she was a child, but she hadn't seen much better than this.

When Chonghua saw her appearance, he knew that she was not convinced: "You don't believe me, do you? Just wait, one day, I will let you see what is a good thing."

Not long after, he really came back with a bunch of good pens and inks, and there were some flower notes in them, which were made of various peach blossoms, pear blossoms, and apricot blossoms.

It was fragrant and beautiful, indeed incomparable to those things brought back by the elder brother, and she happily shared these good things with the elder brother.

Eldest brother wrote a lot of poems with that flower paper, some of them were love poems, and he showed them to her and asked her if they were well written.

Chonghua was so angry that he burned all the poems of the elder brother, and warned her not to give the elder brother what he gave her.

The elder brother didn't care at all, he took out a piece of flower paper from under the table in a blink of an eye, and asked her to send it to Miss Wu's family to the south of Zhuangzi, saying that it was to thank Miss Wu's family for her gift of honey.

Of course she wouldn't give it away, because although Ms. Wu is cute, Mr. Wu has a weird temper. Once caught, everyone will be implicated.

Miss Wu will be beaten to death, she will be scolded to death by the master, and the eldest brother will probably be beaten to death by the master.

"Then you help me burn it." The elder brother didn't force her, and went to patrol the mountain with a smile to manage trivial matters.

Chonghua saw the flower note in her hand, saw the love poem on it, and insisted that the elder brother had something wrong with her.

She said it was for Miss Wu's family, and then the two quarreled again.

At that time, I thought Chonghua was really unreasonable, but now I think about it, I still think he is very narrow-minded.

She misses him again.Zhong Weiwei rubbed her brows with a wry smile, and continued to lie down in front of the window to watch the river view.

He Suoyi walked in: "Why don't you want to move there? The cabins over there are more spacious and bright, and the furnishings are better. You can share some tea if you want."

Zhong Weiwei said: "No, it's good like this, all favors must be paid back, brother, don't owe too many favors."

He Maoyi persuaded her a few words, and seeing her firm attitude, he had to smile wryly: "It's up to you, as long as you are happy."

Zhong Weiwei said solemnly: "I am very happy and at ease, and I hope you are all well, better than me."

He Maoyi pursed his lips, and stood side by side with her, overlooking the river together.

On the sparkling river, three ships sailed head-on.

The one in the middle is a big ship, and the other two are smaller, with a flag flying high and the word "Jane" written on it, they look like merchant ships.

Zhong Weiwei didn't recognize it: "Whose merchant ship is this, it's so big."

He Weiyi smiled: "Jiangdong Jian's, a newly emerging big merchant, you have been locked up in the palace for too long, and you don't know."

He introduced it to her: "Don't look at the majestic and imposing manner of the Jian family, you must avoid the Dong family's boat.

Because the Dong family is half of the owner of the Dayan River, they can run wild along the Dayan River with a word of Dong, and the water bandits dare not provoke them. "

As if to verify his words, the three boats stopped aside after approaching, and let the Dong family's boat pass by.

It is rare for Zhong Weiwei to see such a big ship, and he wants to see the elegant demeanor of the Jian family even more, so he cannot help but look up to see what is on that big merchant ship.

Just watching with relish, He Suoyi slammed the window shut and said solemnly, "Sit back by the bed."

(End of this chapter)

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