
Chapter 489 Born in the Same Year, Same Month, Same Day

Chapter 489 Born in the Same Year, Same Month, Same Day

As long as there is power, there will be struggles. Li Guo fought fiercely for this dragon chair, and Dongling was no exception.

King Zhuanyu is the younger brother of the previous Dongling emperor. Because he was involved in the dispute over the throne, he fell out of favor and was exiled to the most remote place in Dongling. King Yu delivered the baby himself.

The child was born without a package, so King Zhuanyu took off his outer robe to wrap the child up. The family of five lived in a house with ventilation on all sides, and even ate horse feed.

Even though he is a prince, his life is not as good as that of the lowest servants.

Everyone thought that this was the case with King Zhuanyu, and when this generation of King Zhuanyu died, his descendants would die silently and no one would remember them.

Unexpectedly, due to the civil strife in Dongling, the original crown prince was removed from power. In order to gain the support of the clan, the new emperor dug out the cousin King Zhuanyu from the corner. reward.

At present, King Zhuanyu can be regarded as one of the most beautiful figures in Dongling.

Zhong Weiwei calculated, and said: "If I'm not mistaken, this Li Shang should be the child who was delivered by King Zhuanyu himself, wrapped in a robe, raised with rice soup, and is also the most favored youngest son."

Jian Wu didn't believe it: "You can't make a mistake, can you? Can you figure it out?"

Zhong Wei gave her a white look: "I may be wrong about everything, but this is the only one that can't be wrong."

Jian Wu suppressed a smile: "This is strange, why?"

Zhong Weiwei smiled and said nothing, just because Li Shang was born in the same year, the same month and the same day as her.

At that time, the family was in good condition, and my father was still a respected Da Si Cha, she was the first-born daughter, and the family loved her very much, so it was inevitable that she would be willful and mischievous.

Grandmother dotes on her and cooks all kinds of delicious food for her in different ways. Children are ignorant and can't bear to be spoiled.

Father would always talk about Li Shang to her, asking her to cherish food and cherish blessings.

"Dignified sons and phoenixes, if you say that you have nothing to eat, you will have nothing to eat. It is nothing but mud, worse than the lowest servant. We are just ordinary people, and the grace and scenery are all given by His Majesty. Sometimes we have to think about it." When it's gone."

The word became a prophecy, Dad probably would not have imagined that the famous Xuexi Qiu clan would be reduced to the point where the entire family was wiped out, no one dared to mention it, and the younger generation remained anonymous.

Zhong Weiwei was a little disappointed: "Write this matter in the secret note, and send it to His Majesty as soon as possible."

Jian Wu understood: "I'll arrange manpower and focus on taking care of this young master."

Let's see if Emperor Dongling really relies on King Zhuanyu so much, and what kind of people King Zhuanyu and his son are.

Zhong Weiwei nodded: "Please sister."

"I'm not helping you, so why thank me." Jian Wu smiled and said, "A Mao's letter has been received? Didn't I complain to you?"

Zhong Weiwei smiled: "No, he said that the shopkeepers treated him very well, and it was fun outside. It has snowed in the north, and he needs to wear big woolen clothes. He has never been ill, and he has gained weight. He can eat four bowls of rice at a meal. I'm relieved."

Jian Wu smiled and said: "This kid is not bad, the shopkeeper told me that they were almost cheated with old furs, but Ah Mao discovered and stopped them in time.

They threatened him with a knife, but he was not afraid of trouble at all, so he waited until they brought him, and made a great contribution.

They tried to let him go about the business by himself, and made a small fortune. Although it was not much, it was not easy for him. "

Zhong Weiwei laughed: "He never mentioned it to me."

Jian Wudao: "What happened that day was very dangerous. He was worried that he would worry you if he said it. Don't worry, he is much more proficient in numeracy than you. The shopkeeper can just report the number and he can calculate it. The door is clear, and the accountant has been dismissed by him."

Zhong Weiwei was in a good mood, and happily played with the little fat dog for a long time.

The next day, as discussed with Chen Shaoming, he went to the General's Mansion to meet with Chen Junqing and others, so that they could go to see Mei Xun together.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Chen Junqing did not come out. Honglu Temple Shaoqing and Xu Han were very unhappy, thinking that Chen Junqing was taking Joe again, and something was wrong.

Although Shaoqing of Honglu Temple is an old man in his fifties, he has a very hot temper, and he is about to rush in to trouble Chen Junqing: "There is no one in front of the country, what kind of Joe does a dead old man have?"

Chen Shaoming hurried over, bowing in groups, with a look of shame on his face: "My father suddenly had a high fever in the middle of the night, and he wanted to hold on to get out, but he passed out when he went out of the gate. He asked the owner of the bell hall to take full responsibility for the tea ceremony exchange meeting."

People will get sick if they eat whole grains, but no one believes Chen Shaoming's words because Chen Junqing has a bad reputation.

The Shaoqing of Honglu Temple yelled to see Chen Junqing: "Since he is ill, let's go see him!"

And Zhong Weiwei: "Invite Yang Shi over here, Da Sicha is sick, it's terrible!"

It was right to send Yang Shi to see a doctor for Chen Junqing, but in this situation, if Zhong Weiwei really called Yang Shi, it would be more like he was going to check and expose.

Zhong Weiwei smiled, and whispered to Chen Shaoming: "Yang Shi is seeing the soldiers today. He is just outside the school grounds, not far from here. You can send someone to invite you. It's getting late, and the people from Dongling are waiting. We'll come back and visit the doctor."

Chen Shaoming was very grateful for her thoughtfulness, and explained in a low voice: "I'm really sick."

Zhong Weiwei patted him on the shoulder: "Got it."

When they arrived at the post house, Mei Xun and the others were already waiting. When Chen Junqing did not come, some people were upset: "Didn't you say yesterday that the king is against the king, and Da Sicha is against Da Sicha? Master Zhong, go back, we have nothing to do." The host is here to receive you."

She's here to do business, not to quarrel with others.

Zhong Weiwei pretended he didn't hear it, and saluted Mei Xun with a smile, and said loudly, "I want Da Sicha to forgive me. Our Da Sicha is sick. Let me say hello to you and apologize on his behalf."

After all, Mei Xun is a grand master of a generation, and she has a lot of bearing. She returned Zhong Weiwei's gift with a smile, and invited her and the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple to enter: "I haven't seen Xiao Zhong for two years, and your demeanor is even better than before."

If he doesn't call her official position, she doesn't call his official post either.

Zhong Weiwei smiled and said: "I heard that Mr. Mei is coming, I was so excited that I didn't sleep well for two days and two nights."

Mei Xun smiled, invited her to take a seat, and cut straight to the point: "What I mean is that this tea ceremony exchange meeting will mainly focus on exchanging skills. Young people can practice their hands and make friends. Your boss and I No more tea."

Zhong Weiwei's heart sank, but he also figured it out. Mei Xun did this with two meanings.

One is to retaliate against her yesterday's "king against king, Da Sicha against Da Sicha" statement, saying that she is not qualified to be his opponent;

The second is to deliberately hide the means, and refuse to let the tea masters in Li country know his depth, so as to achieve the purpose of deterrence.

(End of this chapter)

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