
Chapter 669 That Dress

Chapter 669 That Dress
Chonghua is the happiest person to hit the Lu family. Zhong Weiwei is really deliberate, and under such circumstances, she can please Chonghua!

Zhong Xinran clenched his fists resentfully, then looked at Chonghua's expression, trying to see something.

However, Chonghua remained expressionless, unable to see anything.

Zhong Xinran made a decisive decision and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the Eldest Princess, I have something to say, please allow me!"

"Tell me." The Princess Protector raised her hand.

Zhong Xinran took a few steps forward, knelt down beside Zhong Weiwei, and said loudly, "Ah Wei was in a hurry, so she accidentally said the wrong thing."

Zhong Weiwei frowned: "Master, I didn't..."

Zhong Xinran pretended to be anxious and angry, and reprimanded her in a low voice: "Shut up! You don't know where you are talking! I know you are very sad because of the family's injustice. After all, there are so many lives.

You siblings have suffered so much again, it is impossible for you not to resent you.But you also have to be modest, right?Your Majesty loves you so much, and both Eldest Princess and Eldest Princess also treat you very well.

You have given everything you can, you should be content and let go!Empress Lu is the Empress of Zhenzong, who has always been famous for her talents and virtues. She is a model for the harem and women in the world! "

Because Chong Hua might not like others to speak for the Lu family, he only mentioned the reputation of the royal family: "How can you just talk about it because of your own selfish interests, wrong people, and insult the reputation of the royal family? You will suffer a lot if you do this! For yourself, for His Majesty, for the sake of A Mao! Hurry up and admit your mistake to His Majesty, take back what you just said, and everyone will not blame you."

Zhong Weiwei knew that Zhong Xinran was shameless a long time ago, but she didn't expect to be so shameless, and she started to play a prank, and asked, "How do you know that I wronged others? How do you know that they won't blame me?"

Zhong Xinran said anxiously: "Does it need to be said? What a noble status the queen is, how can she lower herself to do such a thing? How can you be called an aunt?
What's more, Empress Lu has already retired, so there is no benefit in offending you.Even I don't believe it, let alone others, if you are obedient, even if they blame you, the senior sister will protect you, plead for you, and bear the responsibility together with you. "

Zhong Weiwei was simply amazed, and asked: "Senior sister is really willing to bear the responsibility with me?"

Zhong Xinran hesitated for a moment, and said in a desperate manner: "Of course! Father asked me to take good care of you and Ah Miao before he died!"

Mrs. Wei said: "She is really a good girl with love and righteousness."

Zhong Weiwei asked Zhong Xinran very seriously: "Then, Concubine Lu Taigui said she wanted to pull out my tongue, so is Senior Sister going to torture me and pull out my tongue?"

Zhong Xinran took a peek at Chonghua's expression, but still couldn't see anything, and even though he was looking after the eldest princess of the country, he still couldn't see anything.

Zhong Weiwei repeated it again: "Is senior sister going to torture me and pull out my tongue?"

Zhong Xinran put his heart on the line, and said loudly: "Yes!" Chonghua and Princess Huguo both claim to be impartial, how could she be punished innocently?Happy to pick up favors!

"I see." Zhong Weiwei looked back at Chonghua: "What I just said is the truth, you can confront it."

Zhong Xinran said disappointedly: "A Wei, how can you do this? You are becoming more and more unknown to me."

Princess Huguo frowned and glanced at Zhong Xinran: "Back off, the dispute between Empress Lu and Qiu Ming is not the point, the point is how Empress Lu died."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhong Xinran felt that the look that Princess Huguo gave her just now was full of coldness and displeasure.

She couldn't talk any more, she quickly took a step back and hid in the crowd.

Someone whispered: "Why do you help her like this? People don't necessarily appreciate you."

Zhong Xinran sighed sadly: "I treat her as my own sister. I don't want to see her doing badly, and going further and further wrong."

Witnesses were called one by one to testify on the spot.

It proves that after Zhong Weiwei arrived at Furun Palace, he drove everyone out. Only she, Xiaotang, Brother Liang, and the little maid who fed the cat knew what happened.

The little maid who fed the cat insisted that it was Zhong Weiwei who ordered Brother Liang to kill Lu Ruosu on the spot, and Wu Zuo also confirmed that the wound on Lu Ruosu's chest was exactly the same as the knife used by Brother Liang.

Xiaotang denied it: "This is a lie. When Da Sicha left Furun Palace, Empress Lu was still singing, and many people heard it!"

Concubine Lv Taigui retorted: "These are all man-made. I heard that Yan Zhi, the maid beside Da Sicha, was good at singing and dancing. Was she there at that time? Standing at the door and singing, everyone heard it. Anyway, except yours at that time Other than people, there is no outsider present."

Zhong Weiwei said slowly: "Chu Mo is not the only one who owns the thin knife. He killed someone, why is there no blood on the knife?"

"Can be cleaned."

"Where did you go after you left Furun Palace?"

"Why do you need to change clothes? The skirt must be stained with blood, right? Otherwise, it was torn during the murder!"

"There are beads on your skirt at the scene! You hid the skirt to destroy the evidence!"

"You said that Chu Mo is not the only one who owns the thin knife. Who else has this? Do you know who it is? Where was Chu Mo at that time? Who can testify for him?"

"Take out the skirt! Who can prove that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

Asking one after another, Princess Huguo became more and more sharp, asking all the questions Lu wanted to ask.

The eyes of Concubine Lu Taigui and others gleamed with excitement, waiting for Zhong Weiwei's answer gloatingly.

Duan Ren looked at Zhong Weiwei worriedly: "What happened, tell the truth, and His Majesty and I will decide for you."

Zhong Weiwei frowned: "I have evidence, which can prove that I am innocent. The reason why I changed the skirt is because I have a last resort."

Time passed gradually, and it was completely dark. Zhong Weiwei said that he had a witness, but he still refused to say who that person was.

However, from the moment they entered Zhaoren Palace, all the things Zhong Weiwei and his entourage brought were confiscated. What the dress looked like and what happened had all been checked out.

The palace man in charge of the inspection knelt down tremblingly, and knocked his upper teeth down: "Slave servant! This skirt, skirt..." Closed his eyes, he stepped forward and whispered something in Chonghua's ear.

Chonghua's expression became stern, he didn't say anything, and looked at Zhong Weiwei with an unpredictable expression.

Reminiscent of Zhong Weiwei's delicate face when he came in, it is clear that he has just experienced joy*love, and these days, Chonghua has ignored Zhong Weiwei for a long time, maybe it is...

Mrs. Wei and Concubine Lu Taigui looked at each other, and they both saw excitement in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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