Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1000 Ancient Tomb Discovery

Chapter 1000 Ancient Tomb Discovery (4)

"See my ripples?"

Yang Zimei asked the woman in black uneasily.

"The little fox you're talking about? I didn't see it." The woman in black also helped to take a look, "I guess it's hiding somewhere to play."

"Ripples, ripples..."

Yang Zimei anxiously called softly, not daring to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing the people above, and fearing that too loud a voice would cause other disturbances.

With Rianyi's hearing ability, as long as she is within 100 meters of her, she should be able to hear her call.

However, after waiting for a while, the ripples have not yet appeared.

Did it stay in the room just now?

Or encountered an accident?

Thinking of this, she wanted to go back and look for it, but who knew, the doorway had been completely sealed, and no mechanism entrance could be found, as if people were only allowed to enter once, and then they were blocked to death.

"Don't look for it, your fox looks like an unusual fox, and there is absolutely no danger. Let's find out where the legendary twelve living figurines are?"

The woman in black said aside.

"It's not your fox, so naturally you won't be anxious."

Even if Lianyi's magic power is strong, Yang Zimei will feel uneasy as long as he does not see that it is safe.

However, this road is no longer available, so I had to take another road.

And why she fainted just now looking at the pentagram vortex, and then woke up outside. If this question was not resolved, she was so depressed that she was going crazy.

Suddenly, the voices of several people came from the blue stone steps outside.

Yang Zimei and the woman in black looked at each other and hid in one of the door openings.

Yang Zimei chanted the invisibility spell to make herself invisible.

I probed out and found a few people coming down from above, three men and two women, one of whom Yang Zimei knew was the mayor of City A.

"Mayor, what was actually found in the ancient tomb this time was not a living figurine, but a wax figurine, but it was announced to the outside world that it was a living figurine. What should we do?"

One of them, a middle-aged man who looked like the leader, was wearing an archaeological suit, and asked the mayor with some trepidation.

"When the time comes to seal this place, no one will know the truth."

The mayor glared at him angrily and asked, "This ancient tomb has so many openings and is so big. Apart from the twelve wax figures, don't you have the ability to dig out other valuable things?"

"Mayor, at the moment there is no way to figure out how to get into other door openings. It is really powerless. This ancient tomb is very different from the ones I usually see, and it has no rules, which is a bit weird."

"If it is an ordinary ancient tomb, do you still use experts like you? The purpose of the country to support you experts with high salaries is to overcome all problems!"

The mayor scolded!

The expert quickly nodded in agreement.

Twelve wax figures?
That should not refer to the wax figure of Long Zhutian and himself that he saw.

These are the twelve living figurines that Xia Mo mentioned.

It turned out that they were not living figurines!

How did this get out?

Yang Zimei was wondering, when she saw those people entering another doorway, she quietly followed.

This doorway is actually the door of death, she and the woman in black both judged wrong
The few people lit the strong flashlights and walked carefully on the passage.

This passage is also a bluestone step, which is easier to walk.

After walking about ten meters, they entered a huge basement.

Twelve warrior-like people dressed in armor were arranged in the room in various poses, making the atmosphere in the whole room suddenly tense, as if standing in front of the battlefield of the iron horse...

(End of this chapter)

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