Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1201 Strange Men and Women

Chapter 1201 Strange Men and Women (3)

Jiang Yufan suddenly felt that his wrist was cold, and then he couldn't help shaking violently, as if someone had Parkinson's disease.

"Ha, why are you shaking? Hit me if you can, grandson!"

Seeing him shaking his hands, Zeng Sihui continued to laugh.

Jiang Yufan's foot wanted to kick out, but it began to cramp and tremble strangely.

She was so shaken that she couldn't stand up, so she fell to the ground and continued to twitch.

The stewardess was shocked and hurriedly called the emergency doctor on the plane.

Before the doctor came, Yang Zimei took back the evil spirit that had shot into his hands and legs.

Jiang Yufan stopped shaking, stood up, stared at Zeng Sihui, "You did it?"

"I am a ghost? I am a wool ghost! You are born with Parkinson's disease, and your hands are shaking and your feet are weak. It's none of my business!"

Zeng Sihui was in a hurry to urinate, and didn't bother to chat with him, so she hurriedly left to go to the bathroom.

Jiang Yufan glared at Zeng Sihui's back with extreme resentment, then looked at Yang Zimei, "Little sister, what is her relationship with you?"

"My sister."

Yang Zimei replied coldly.

"Your sister? Well, I see in your face, I can bear it, what's your name? Can we make friends?"

Jiang Yufan pretended to be generous and said.


Yang Zimei flatly refused, "I will not be friends with someone who tries to hurt my sister, please go, don't disturb my mood."

"I didn't want to hurt her, but she was like a shrew. Are you going to the capital? How about I take you to play? I can also take you back to my house and let you meet my grandpa."

Jiang Yufan blinked at her and said.

"Thanks. I'm really not interested."

After Yang Zimei finished speaking, she put on the earplugs to show her disregard for him.

It was the first time for Jiang Yufan to be rejected and ignored by a girl like this, and he was very sullen in his heart, and said, "You will regret it!"

After speaking, he went back to his first-class cabin with great resentment!

But in his heart, he was thinking about how to get such a little beauty into his hands.

Zeng Sihui came back from the bathroom, sat down, and asked Yang Zimei, "Where's that disgusting man?"


"Let's go. This kind of man is simply disgusting and disgusting. He thinks that people all over the world have to know him and flatter him. He is obviously not qualified, but he scolds people for not having quality. He is really on par with Antony."

Zeng Sihui muttered.

Hearing that she mentioned Antony, Yang Zimei couldn't help laughing when she thought of her saying that she was a quality person.

That's right, this Jiang Yufan is indeed a strange character just like Antoni.

They should really be paired!

"Niuniu, don't you know Antony too?"

Seeing her smile, Zeng Sihui asked suspiciously.

"I've seen it once, it's really weird."

Yang Zimei smiled.

"Yeah, Antoni is a well-known strange flower in our circle. She looks like a nouveau riche, and she likes to keep saying that I am a person of quality. If I have never seen such a person without quality, haha, It's so hilarious."

When Zeng Sihui talked about Antoni, because Jiang Yufan's unhappiness was swept away just now, she burst out laughing.

"Zeng Sihui! What are you talking about? Talking bad about people behind their backs, are you really qualified?"

Suddenly, shrieks and curses sounded from behind them.

Yang Zimei and Zeng Sihui were taken aback for a moment, looked at each other, and then looked back——

Oh my god, it's actually Antony sitting in the back!
Don't talk about ghosts at night, don't talk about people in the day, as soon as you talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come!

(End of this chapter)

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