Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1208 You don’t understand the wonderful world

Chapter 1208 You don’t understand the wonderful world (4)

Zeng Sihui was overjoyed, "Haha, Antony, how do you know that he is in love with you? I don't seem to have seen him say a word to you, and he didn't even look at you. Are you acting too sentimental? "

"You're the one who's being sentimental!"

Antony pouted her lips disdainfully, "Zeng Sihui, you are still young, you don't understand a man's mind at all. I just knew that the more indifferent this man is to you, the more he cares about you and likes you. Indifference is nothing but The mask is just a disguise to cover up his man's self-esteem."


Zeng Sihui applauded, "Antonie, you are really amazing. I admire you so much. You actually understand men's hearts so well. It seems that I have to ask you for advice."

A complacent look appeared on Antony's face again, "Who am I? I'm the smartest Antony. Don't I understand the little thoughts of men? Zeng Sihui, you're still tender, wait a minute." I'll teach you another trick so that you can catch up to your Ge Mingxing, you still give me the position now, he is my natural man, so don't think about it."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Zeng Sihui up.

Zeng Sihui stood aside to watch the excitement again, "Antonie, you have needle eyes in your butt, sit carefully!"

"You're the one with needle eyes in your ass!"

Antoni rolled her eyes at Zeng Sihui and sat down. She didn't believe it, the stewardess could sit, Zeng Sihui could sit, why didn't she sit?
As a result, she really couldn't sit down, as soon as she sat down, her buttocks seemed to be pricked by many needles.

She wanted to hold back.

But, where can you bear it?

She could only scream, and stood up, clutching her buttocks.

"Anthony, what's the matter with you? The eye of the needle is pierced? Hehe."

Zeng Sihui asked gloatingly.

"You're just piercing through a needle's eye. Really, this seat is really evil."

Antony stared at the seat unhappily, saw Xuehu who still ignored her and didn't glance at her, and saw his slender, strong and healthy legs exposed on the edge of the chair, and an idea came to her.

She purposely stood on that seat and dawdled for a while, and then she wanted to sit on Xuehu's lap.

This really caught Xuehu by surprise.

It never occurred to him that Antony would dare to sit on his lap.

He didn't do any protective barriers before, and he was almost succeeded by her.

With a wave of Xuehu's hand, Antony flew over the heads of the passengers and fell to the other side of the aisle, screaming in pain like a puppet off the strings.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Antony covered her painful buttocks, and stood up with a little dizziness.

She also couldn't figure it out, she was clearly going to sit on Xuehu's lap just now to surprise him, but why didn't she expect that a strong elastic force suddenly bounced her out.

What exactly is going on?

Is it caused by the sudden turn of the plane?

"Stewardess, stewardess! What happened just now? What happened to the plane? I was blown away, and I was really injured. Can you take responsibility?"

She yelled loudly.

The flight attendants also looked at each other in blank dismay.

They had been watching Antony's farce just now.

  First of all, they didn't understand why this lady would sit down every time, and then bounce up as if she had been stabbed.However, looking at her strange language behavior, she mistakenly thought that it was a farce deliberately made by Antony to attract Xuehu's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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