Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1216 The Young Marshal Arrives

Chapter 1216 The Young Marshal Arrives (3)

Hearing this cry, Jiang Yufan was shocked again, his legs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

God, the world is going to be fantasy!
He actually called a girl his master, his heavenly cousin is crazy!
Jiang Yufan impatiently took out his cell phone and called his father, "Dad, it's terrible, it's terrible."

"What's all the fuss about? Really, grandpa nags you every day, trying to let you learn a little bit about Zi Liang, but you can't learn it, and you're so surprised, it's really embarrassing to our Jiang family. "

He blamed Jiang Fangjie.

"It's about brother Ziliang. Do you know what he is doing now? He actually called a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl as his master, and he was in the public at the airport. I see his attitude. It's unbelievable that grandpa doesn't even have that much respect."

Jiang Yufan yelled.

"What? You child, why are you making fun of Ziliang? Don't you know how much grandpa values ​​him? He is the future head of our Jiang family. If you annoy him, the black-faced god, you will benefit Really? Really, it’s fine if you cause me a little trouble, but you must not offend Ziliang, even I can’t help you, but he never buys my uncle’s account.”

While blaming Jiang Fangjie, he was annoyed that he had given birth to a useless son.

"Dad, what I said is true! You have to believe me. By the way, I will take a photo for you. My mobile phone is the latest model from abroad, and it has a camera function."

After Jiang Yufan finished speaking, he called up the camera of his mobile phone and took a photo in the direction of Yang Zimei and Jiang Ziliang.

At this time, Jiang Ziliang was bending over to ask Yang Zimei if her trip was going well, so her expression was respectful again.

He simply approached Jiang Ziliang and Yang Zimei, turned on the speakerphone, and asked his father to listen.

Hearing the voice on the phone was indeed Jiang Ziliang's, and it was really called Master, so Jiang Yufan excitedly asked Jiang Yufan to carefully inquire about what was going on.

"Master, I have prepared a place to live, please come with me!"

Jiang Ziliang said to Yang Zimei.


Yang Zimei didn't want to live directly at Zeng's house, so Min Gang had already booked a hotel for them, "But I've already booked a hotel."

"That's fine, it's not convenient to live in a hotel."

Jiang Ziliang said without a doubt.

"Then where are we going to live now? Is it the military compound? Are other soldiers as handsome as you?"

When Zeng Sihui saw Jiang Ziliang, his eyes lit up for a long time.

A soldier, in a girl's heart, is more or less shrouded in a certain kind of light, not to mention, a soldier like Jiang Ziliang, that light is almost radiant.

"It's not the compound of the military region, it's my little courtyard."

Jiang Ziliang replied.

"Small Bieyuan? That's fine. There are many people staying in a hotel. Hehe, I don't want to live in Zeng's house either. I want to live with you."

Zeng Sihui took Yang Zimei's hand.

Yang Zimei looked at Jiang Ziliang in a bit of embarrassment and said, "Is there any family in your little courtyard? I'm not used to living with other people."

"My family doesn't live there. It's my usual leisure place. Master, you can rest assured to live here."

Jiang Ziliang dispelled Yang Zimei's doubts.

Since there is a small courtyard to live in, Yang Zimei doesn't want to live in a hotel anymore.

As Zeng Sihui said, things are complicated when there are many people in the hotel, so it is better to live in a small courtyard.

What's more, the big houses in the small courtyards in the capital are all well-known.

You can also take the opportunity to study the Feng Shui situation here.

(End of this chapter)

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