Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 122 [051] Anti-bow brake works

Chapter 122 [051] Anti-bow brake works
After bidding farewell to Teacher Gao Yu, Yang Zimei hurried to the VIP club for the elderly, preparing to help grandparents apply for VIP membership cards so that they can enjoy the blessings.

She doesn't mind her patriarchal grandfather saying that she is a loser every day, she only cares about the well-being of the whole family in this generation.

When I came to the gate of the Senior Citizens Club, I was about to go in when I was stopped by the security guard at the gate: "Hey, you little girl, you can't just go in there, walk around."

"Brother, I want to help my grandparents apply for a membership card." Yang Zimei didn't bother to chat with him, and said straight to the point.

The security guard looked her up and down, and found that she was wearing the uniform of Nancheng Middle School, and the bag in her hand was only a few dozen yuan on the street, and it was a bit worn out.

Although he is usually discriminated against and lives in the lower class of the poor, but after staying here for a long time, he has acquired the habit of looking down on the poor.

He waved his hands impatiently, with an extremely contemptuous tone, "Don't be kidding, the membership card here is not a card, not just anyone can do it, you'd better go home and play quickly, don't hinder my work .”

"Brother, I really want to apply for a membership card." Yang Zimei explained.

"Do you know how much the membership card here costs a month?" The security guard raised his two fingers impatiently and said, "2000 yuan, it is estimated that your family's total income for a month is not much more than that, tell your grandparents to be free Let’s go for a walk in the park, it’s free there, and playing a game of mahjong is only one dollar.”

At this moment, an old man walked out of the door with a rich look on his face.

As soon as the security guard saw it, he immediately left Yang Zimei behind, put on a flattering face like a dog's leg, nodded and bowed his head and asked, "Old Yang, why don't you play longer?"

Yang Zimei recognized that this was Yang Hong from the same village as her, who had given birth to four sons who were blessed and powerful. He was also the father of Yang Dejie, a high-ranking city official.

Yang Hong ignored the security guards, but hastily reached out to stop a tricycle and left.

Not long after he left, two retired old cadres walked out of the room. They discussed in a low voice, "I heard that Secretary Yang has just been shuanggui."

"He has a strong background, and he will probably be fine soon."

"It's hard to say. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection personally came to investigate and deal with it. No matter how strong his background is, it is only in the province. How can he reach the central government?"

"Let's just take a look. I heard that their family has been very unlucky recently. Their son was smashed to pieces and is still lying in the hospital. The wife of the secretary accidentally fell on her foot yesterday and suffered a stroke."

"Last night, I heard that Secretary Yang also crashed a car."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they heard a bang on the corner of the street not far away. Suddenly, a wheel of the tricycle on which Yang Hong was sitting derailed and rolled away. The whole tricycle was out of balance and tilted on the ground. On the ground, groaning in pain.

As Yang Zimei listened and watched, the corners of his lips curled slightly.

The anti-bow evil she set up really worked, let's see how they will thrive again in the future, hum!
The security guard listened with pricked ears just now, and when he heard that Secretary Yang had been shuanggui, his eyes couldn't hide his gloat.

At this time, another person came out from inside, it was Xia Mo's father Xia Guohui, he was one of the investors of this senior citizens' club, and he happened to come to check the situation inside today.

(End of this chapter)

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