Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1228 To Zeng’s House

Chapter 1228 To Zeng’s House (3)

Hearing her asking about her sons, Zeng Zhenlong's originally happy face darkened, and he looked melancholy and heavy.

Did uncle and the others have an accident?
When Zeng Zhenlong went to his home before, his grandma also asked how his brothers were doing, and he seemed to say that everything was fine.

"Hey, Niuniu, you really don't know which pot to open and which pot to carry!"

Ye Wenxin yelled bitterly.

Yang Zimei looked at Zeng Zhenlong.

Therefore, it is a kinship relationship, and she can't get any information from him, but his appearance shows that his children are blessed.

"Niu Niu, we'll talk about things about Uncle and the others slowly later, let's go in first."

Zeng Zhenlong returned to normal, and said to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei nodded in agreement, and was held by him, and walked into the gate of Zeng's house.

As soon as he entered the house, Yang Zimei couldn't help frowning.

She found that the Feng Shui of Zeng's house was completely destroyed.

The location of this house has a history of almost a thousand years, taking care of the Zeng family's prosperity, so the feng shui pattern must be very good.

But now, the feng shui pattern has been broken almost everywhere, and it has become a very unlucky house.

At first, she thought it was the lamp post outside the door that formed the flagpole evil spirit, which caused the evil spirit to linger in the house, and thus the Zeng family's family fell into ruin.

Unexpectedly, the inside was also destroyed, the layout was messy, and a nondescript modern building was built next to the main house, forming the evil spirit of the white tiger raising its head.

The so-called white tiger raising its head means that there is another house connected at right angles to the right or left of the main house, and this house is higher than the main house, similar to the disobedient house.If the master is in this kind of house, the master's family will lose money when they come out, and there will be bloody disasters and unfilial sons and grandchildren.

In addition, on both sides of the south house of the residence, there are also new small houses, just like the two wings of the Suzaku. In Feng Shui, "the Suzaku inserts its wings", and the evil spirit formed will bring unpredictable disasters to the owner.

Next to the artificial pool in the courtyard, there are also two weeping willows.

This is just too messy!

Yang Zimei sighed secretly.

"Grandpa Zeng, isn't the original house in this house good? Why did these nondescript modern buildings be built in it? It looks really unpleasant, and it also ruined the original Feng Shui of the whole house."

Yang Zimei couldn't help saying to Zeng Zhenlong.

Zeng Zhenlong once went to foreign countries to study in his youth, and he received a purely materialistic education, so he didn't pay much attention to traditional Feng Shui, but thought it was just used by magic sticks to fool ignorant people It's just something.

Therefore, he didn't ask Mr. Feng Shui to look at the later buildings of this house. He just added some buildings based on his own hobby and according to the changes in the number of members in the family.

Of course, if you don't look at this house from the perspective of Feng Shui
This house is a combination of Chinese and Western, and the scenery is beautiful, which is very good.

But once you use Feng Shui's vision, everything is messy.

"Niu Niu, Feng Shui is a deceitful trick. Don't be fooled. I've lived in my 80s and never believed in it."

Zeng Zhenlong said disapprovingly.

Yang Zimei smiled helplessly.

If it weren't for the destruction of the feng shui pattern of this ancestral house, would the Zeng family with a long history and tradition have declined like this?
"Grandpa Zeng, I thought that people in the capital would be very particular about Fengshui. Aren't the sites in the imperial city chosen based on Fengshui?"

(End of this chapter)

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