Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1230 To Zeng’s House

Chapter 1230 To Zeng’s House (5)

"Niuniu, I've already had your room cleaned up. It's the room Xiaohui lived in before. Go and see if you're satisfied. If not, I'll have someone clean it up and replace it with new things."

Zeng Zhenlong said urgently.

Yang Zimei also wanted to see what the boudoir her grandma lived in was like, so she nodded.

Zeng Zhenlong took her to the boudoir where Zeng Hui lived before.

Yang Zimei noticed that the scenery around this room was really good, with Xiangfei bamboo planted, and it also maintained the original antique flavor.

The surrounding area of ​​this room should be the only place in this mansion that has not been touched.

It seems that because Zeng Zhenlong missed his daughter, he kept it like this all the time, hoping that her daughter would come back to live again.

Push open the door.

There is no dusty and musty smell that has not been lived in for a long time, so it can be seen that someone is cleaning every day.

All the furnishings in the room are very old, like a girl's boudoir. Except for the new sheets and mosquito nets on the bed, everything else should be what grandma used to use.

"I've been waiting for Xiaohui to come back. I never let anyone live in this house."

Zeng Zhenlong looked at his daughter's boudoir, thinking of the scene when his daughter was sitting in front of the dressing table combing her hair, his eyes became sore again.

The young and lovely girl who had always been in my mind turned into a gray-haired old woman when I saw her again.

This huge gap made him a little hard to accept. Fortunately, there was a great-granddaughter who made up for his feelings for his daughter.

Yang Zimei walked into the room and found a photo on the dressing table, so she picked it up and looked at it.

At first glance at the photo, she thought it was herself in it.

The girl in this black-and-white photo is dressed in white and black, her black hair is combed with elegant double braids, her eyes are gentle and beautiful, her lips are slightly raised, and a small mole on the bridge of her nose not only does not affect her appearance, but gives people A playful and cute feeling that makes people want to kiss.

"This photo was taken on Xiaohui's 16th birthday."

Looking at the photo, Zeng Zhenlong recalled the scene of taking the photo that day, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

It turned out that grandma was like this when she was 16 years old!
In Yang Zimei's mind, it seemed that grandma had always been so old, as if she had never been young. Therefore, it was hard to imagine what she looked like when she was young.

When grandma was 16 years old, she looked really beautiful, innocent and cute, and also had the faint scent of books that only a lady can reveal.

I don't have this temperament.

"Niu Niu, are you satisfied here? These sheets are new. I don't know if you like them. If you don't like them, I'll ask your cousin and aunt to buy them."

Zeng Zhenlong pulled his thoughts out of his memories and said to Yang Zimei.

"like it all."

Yang Zimei nodded, "I like everything about grandma."

"That's good. You and Xiaohui really think about it. When her grandma was around, she had the best relationship with her grandma and relied on her very much."

Zeng Zhenlong nodded in satisfaction.

"Grandpa Zeng, do you have any other photos of grandma? I want to see my former grandma."

Yang Zimei asked.

"Well, there's a photo album in the drawer."

Zeng Zhenlong opened the drawer, took out a quaint wooden photo album, and handed it to Yang Zimei.

(End of this chapter)

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