Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1232 Grandma's Secret

Chapter 1232 Grandma's Secret (2)

Yang Zimei found that the swing place did not look like the courtyard of Zeng's house, so she asked.

"This is the swing in the park. I don't know who took the photo. Xiaohui is gentle and cute. Many people like to take pictures of her."

As soon as Zeng Zhenlong talked about his daughter, there was an unconcealable pride on his face.

Yang Zimei turned the photo over and found that there was a line of strong and unrestrained words on it: the most is the gentle bow.

"Who wrote this word?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

Zeng Zhenlong took it, looked at it, and shook his head.

He was about to hand the photo back to Yang Zimei, when he suddenly thought of something, picked up the photo and carefully identified it, frowning.

"Grandpa Zeng, did you think of anything? Could it be written by grandma's lover?"

Yang Zimei was very eager to know who made grandma pregnant.

Of course, she wants to know who is her real grandfather.

For the current Grandpa Yang Bai, she sincerely regrets it.

Especially when she saw the harmony between Zeng Sihui and Zeng Tiancheng, the grandfather and grandson, she was very envious.

I wish I had a loving grandpa!

Even if it is now to make up for her grandfather's love, it is not too late.

"Who is this little bastard if I catch him? I will definitely break his legs!"

Zeng Zhenlong suddenly gritted his teeth and crumpled the photo in his hand.

Yang Zimei hurriedly snatched the photo.

It would be a pity if such a good photo was torn up.

She ironed the photos flat with vitality.

As the saying goes, words are like people.

From this font, it can be seen that the owner who wrote this character must be the kind of person who is unrestrained and generous, with a mellow temperament.

It would be great if my biological grandfather was like this!
"Niu Niu, give me the photo. I'm going to have the handwriting authenticated to see which bastard killed my daughter all her life!"

Zeng Zhenlong reached out and took the photo.

Yang Zimei has already engraved this handwriting in his heart.

She hoped that one day she would be able to find this person herself.

"Niu Niu, you should get acquainted here first, I'll go out and let someone identify the handwriting."

Thinking that because some bastard seduced his innocent daughter, which caused her to become pregnant, which became a big joke in the capital, and finally disappeared for decades, he became furious.

He's going to pull him out, then skin him and tear him to the bone!
Seeing Grandpa Zeng leaving with the photo in resentment, Yang Zimei was sweating.

She bent over the drawer to see if she could find any clues.

In the drawer, there are still bits and pieces such as the horn comb that grandma used to comb her hair, powder puff box, small mirror, etc., but there are no such things as diaries.

She went to open the big wardrobe made of sandalwood again.

It seems that the closet is often cleaned and organized, and the clothes are neatly folded. They are all the clothes that grandma used to wear. They are all with the theme of simplicity and elegance, and they are made of expensive silk.

Thinking of grandma's life in the village, she wore all poor-quality coarse clothes. When she was poor, there were even a lot of patches. When she came to the city, she was able to make money and bought a lot of good-quality clothes for grandma. I didn't wear that kind of inferior clothes.

She touched the silky silk dress and sighed.

How did a charming young lady who was originally dressed in silk and satin and ate delicacies turned into a poor peasant woman?
(End of this chapter)

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