Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1236 Money VS Family Love

Chapter 1236 Money VS Family Love (3)

Zeng Longjiu saw his grandfather angry, and hurriedly pulled Ye Wenxin away.

"Grandpa, did Lu Xi do something wrong?"

Seeing such a big family turmoil caused by giving Yang Zimei something, Lu Xi was a little caught off guard, and said to Zeng Zhenlong with a look of panic, "I gave my second sister-in-law a pearl necklace, and I gave Niuniu the heart of the ocean. There is nothing else. I mean, it just feels right."

"It's none of your business. Your second sister-in-law has always been petite and caring. You don't need to talk to her."

Zeng Zhenlong liked Lu Xi, a simple and generous granddaughter-in-law.

"Then I'll send other things to the second sister-in-law later, so that she can calm down."

Lu Xi said innocently.


Cheng Xiaojing on the side pretended to cough.

As soon as she heard Lu Xi say that she was going to give Ye Wenxin something again, she was worried that she would forget herself, so she made a noise on purpose to draw her attention to her, thinking that she would also give something to Ye Wenxin again.

How could Lu Xi understand her little thoughts?

Seeing Cheng Xiaojing coughing, she asked with concern, "Sister-in-law, are you coughing? I have a good cough syrup here for you."

After finishing speaking, she took out a bottle of cough syrup from Hong Kong from the small bag she carried and handed it to Cheng Xiaojing.

Cheng Xiaojing was annoyed.

Who wants your cough syrup?People want expensive jewelry from you!

However, unlike Ye Wenxin, she had no way to wipe away this face, so she had no choice but to take it over in a dazed way, "Thank you third sibling, I'm fine, my throat is just a little dry."

"That's good."

Lu Xi said happily, "Sister-in-law is the housewife of our Zeng family. Everything depends on sister-in-law. You have to pay attention to your health."

"Hehe, the third brother and sister are joking, what kind of housewife am I? I just work in Zeng's house."

Cheng Xiaojing smiled wryly.

Lu Xi didn't know how to continue chatting with her, so he turned to Yang Zimei and asked, "Niu Niu, do you still like this Heart of the Ocean?"

"Aunt Sanbiao, this gift seems a little too expensive."

Yang Zimei had been watching coldly just now, and he could see that Lu Xi's gift to her caused a lot of jealousy among the people present, but Ye Wenxin just said it out of her mind.

When they first saw themselves, they all had the enthusiasm of relatives.

But this necklace, which is worth millions, forcibly separated their hearts, causing them to have some kind of criticism and dissatisfaction with her.

And what Ye Wenxin said just now, Zeng Zhenlong's desire to leave the property of the house to Yang Zimei, was also like a thorn, piercing directly into their hearts, making their hearts extremely unbalanced.

Housing prices in the capital are extremely expensive, and old houses are valuable, especially a house with a long history and a large area like the Zeng family, let alone a house with a price but no market.

Such a large family property, should a girl with a foreign surname occupy it?

Therefore, when they looked at Yang Zimei again, they all became very alienated and indifferent.

Feeling their alienated and indifferent eyes, Yang Zimei smiled wryly in his heart.

Sure enough, money, no matter where it is placed, is a universal thing to gather feelings, and it can also be a universal thing to divide feelings!
If she really accepts the Heart of the Ocean, in addition to being difficult for herself, it will also be difficult for Lu Xi, who has no heart.

[Haha, I finally finished coding the third watch before the show, and it seems to be the ninth watch today, so give me some rewards, hehe, Xixi went to watch TV, see you tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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