Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1259 Young Marshal Jiang’s Bracelet

Chapter 1259 Young Marshal Jiang’s Bracelet (4)

"Sister, just don't get close to him. Although he looks more handsome than me, he is definitely not as good-looking as me."

Xiaoqian tugged at Yang Zimei who was a little distracted.


Yang Zimei nodded, then turned to ask Xuehu, "Xuehu, what do you think?"

"Don't come close."

Xuehu's pupils shrank slightly, "Even I can't feel the evil spirit on him, I just feel that there is danger in him."

A person with such a high level of cultivation as Xuehu can't feel Lace's evil spirit, so it's normal that he can't feel it.

Or maybe, the magic of the West and the mystical arts of the East just shield each other.

As Xiaoqian and Xuehu said, when she sees him in the future, she just needs to stay away from him.

A few people were walking in the lobby, and a few men and women in fashionable clothes passed by. When they passed by, Yang Zimei heard a female voice saying disdainfully, "Yun Lai's style is really getting lower and lower, even such a commoner People who are culturally advanced can be received, so the VIP system has been cancelled?"

"Seeing that the clothes on them are only a few hundred yuan of cheap goods, they should not be able to open a VIP of 30 yuan. If ordinary civilians can come here to eat, then there is no point in coming here for high-end people like us. I heard that there is a newly opened Jindi Garden in the south of Huancheng. The membership fee is [-]. Recently, many celebrities and ladies have gathered there to eat there. Let's go there too, lest people treat us like these ordinary people. "

Another female voice full of arrogance said.

Hearing these two uncomfortable voices, Yang Zimei glanced sideways at them.

These two people are very familiar. They seem to be third-tier stars on TV. They are indeed wearing expensive famous brands and jewelry worth 10,000+.

Each of them could be a father on their arms. They looked short and fat, and they were old men with the temperament of nouveau riche.

Yang Zimei couldn't help but sneered in her heart.

The bullshit is high-style, and what you wear is not something that you sell your youthful body and soul in exchange for?
How dare she still have the face to say that others are low-key and look down on others because they dress worse than her.

Simply ridiculous.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a big star? Really, even seeing a star makes a fuss. The style of this store really makes people sad."

Seeing Yang Zi glanced at him mockingly, one of them yelled as if someone was stepping on his tail, and after yelling, with a coquettish expression, he rubbed his breasts that he had squeezed out against the arm of the man next to him, whimpering. Said, "Dear godfather, how about we go to Jindi Garden, shall we?"

"Why meet ordinary people? I brought you here today for a purpose." The man unabashedly reached out and touched the woman's chest, with a disgusting lewd smile on his face.

When a woman is touched, not only is she not annoyed, but she giggles, pretending to be even more disgustingly coquettish, "Godfather, you are so bad."

"Godfather is not bad, who else is bad? That's what godfather is for, haha!"

The other man also laughed obscenely, and pinched his female partner's round buttocks.

The hall was suddenly filled with the flirting and cursing of two men and two women, causing many people around to look sideways.

Yang Zimei felt that she was about to throw up, and she pulled Xiaoqian to leave when she heard the woman named Lulu yelling, "Godfather, I think that poor girl is very upset, she just looked at us with contempt, I really want to teach her a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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