Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1267 Caring Apprentice

Chapter 1267 Caring Apprentice (3)

How could such an outstanding man be lonely all his life without a good wife to accompany him?

Wouldn't that be a waste of money?
However, the strange thing is that his children have another line, showing that he will have a son and a daughter.

No wife, but + two children, what kind of rhythm is this?
Yang Zimei was really confused.

I really don't know where his two children will come from.

Back at the gate of Jiang's house, everyone got out of the car, opened the door and entered the house, but unexpectedly, they were seen by an acquaintance across the street.

This acquaintance is Yang Zimei's second cousin Ye Wenxin.

Standing next to her was her man Zeng Longjiu.

"It's been a long time, is the girl who entered Jiang's house just now the annoying girl in our family?"

Ye Wenxin grabbed her husband's arm and asked.

"Seems to be."

Zeng Longjiu also saw a figure from behind, but he wasn't sure.

"It's definitely her. In the capital, I haven't been able to find a girl with hair as good as hers, and the hairstyle is the same, all in ponytails. It's strange, how did she enter Jiang's house? That man is not Jiang's young master Handsome?"

Ye Wenxin asked suspiciously.

"Maybe we misunderstood. How could Niu Niu be with the young marshal of the Jiang family? Who is the young marshal of the Jiang family? Can he be with someone casually? It is probably a girl from their Jiang family, who looks like Niu Niu. Kind of like, you didn't see, is there anyone else?"

Zeng said for a long time.

"I have a very sharp eye, and I will never make a mistake."

Ye Wenxin said stubbornly, "Why don't we stay here and take a look?"

"What are you guarding? Do you know when she will come out? We might as well go home and see if Niuniu is at home. If she is at home, there is no doubt about it. If she is not at home, there is doubt."

Zeng Longjiu rolled his eyes at his wife and said.

"I remember that after my grandfather came back from City A, he kept weighing one thing. He said that Niu Niu and Jiang Ziliang were definitely a match made in heaven. If they could get together, they would be a perfect match. At that time, I laughed at him for his whimsy. , how could she look up to a country girl from a small family? It’s better to deal with Sihui and Young Marshal Jiang, at least Sihui is also a lady.”

Ye Wenxin turned her head and thought.

"At this point, I also feel that Grandpa is whimsical. The Jiang family must have high requirements for their daughter-in-law. All the women in the capital, no, even the whole of China, probably want to marry someone like Young Marshal Jiang. Even the young lady of the Lei family, They also swore not to marry unless it was Young Marshal Jiang. Although Niu Niu is okay, she is still not competitive in terms of family background, bearing and knowledge, and coupled with her young age, Head of State Jiang will definitely not agree. The agreement is just to deal with grandpa in a perfunctory manner on the surface."

Zeng Longjiu said thoughtfully.

"However, for a long time, if Niuniu can really marry into the Jiang family, it will be good for us. She is the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, and you are her eldest cousin. Those connections who are attached to the Jiang family will more or less give us this What's more, grandpa wants to marry Niu Niu to the Jiang family, isn't he planning to make our Zeng family more contacts and revitalize the Zeng family? Ziqing will also benefit from the revitalization of the Zeng family."

Ye Wenxin was thinking about it.

"Smelly woman, since you know that the revitalization of the Zeng family is good for us, you still look for scum at home all day long? Make the family have no peace?"

Zeng Liangjiu rolled his eyes at his wife, "From now on, follow Grandpa's wishes and treat Niuniu better, maybe she will be the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family in the future, the wife of the head of state in the future."


Ye Wenxin muttered, "But I don't know why, I just don't like her, especially when I see her smiling and indifferent, like treating people like monkeys, I feel very angry."

"That shows that she is a scheming child, and it is suitable for her to marry into the Jiang family."

Zeng Long said, "If you are so simple-minded and impulsive, who wants it?"

"What? You say no one wants me? Zeng Longjiu, do you want to divorce me so that you can find another woman openly? Don't even think about it, be careful I will castrate you!"

Ye Wenxin was furious.

Zeng Jiujiu clamped his legs in horror.

【11.27th, the sixth update is completed. Xixi has been busy recently, and for the time being, the sixth update is every day. I'm sorry. 】

(End of this chapter)

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