Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1273 Caring Apprentice

Chapter 1273 Caring Apprentice (8)

Thinking of this, she also felt sad.

Seeing the sadness on her face, Jiang Ziliang thought that she was sad because of herself, put away the slightly sad face just now, and restored her original strength, "Master, I'm sorry, I made you sad."

"Ha ha."

Yang Zimei smiled, looked at him and said, "You're right, don't say I'm sorry! No matter what, your mother will love you until death, so you don't have to be sad. Everyone has a soul. It's looking at the people you care about, and so is your mother."

After speaking, she handed him back the bracelet on her hand.

Jiang Ziliang glanced at the original bracelet on her wrist, his eyes flickered for a while, and without saying anything, he took it and wrapped it gently in the palm of his hand.

Yang Zimei thought that as a master, she hadn't taught Jiang Ziliang any skills yet, so she was a bit dereliction of duty, so she decided to fulfill her master's obligations.

She found that Jiang Ziliang's physical fitness showed that he only had excellent external skills, but no internal skills.

No matter how powerful a person's external skills are, once he encounters a master of internal skills, he will be vulnerable.

The real internal strength can be used in fours and twos, and the defeated opponent will not brag about it.

What's more, with internal strength and vitality, you can heal yourself, and your vitality is much stronger.

"Do you want to learn Qi Guidance?"

Even though she wanted to teach, she had to ask her apprentice to agree first, lest she put a hot face on her cold ass, which would be bad.

"Everyone who listens to the master, what the master wants to teach, the disciples will learn accordingly."

Jiang Ziliang is really a smart person, he can tell at a glance that she wants to teach her things, so he is quite obedient.

"Then I'll teach you our Xuanmen's qi-guiding technique! It's also very beneficial to you. With your aptitude, it's easy to learn. As for those divination and fortune-telling techniques, I miss you A soldier probably wouldn't like it."

Yang Zimei was also very relieved to hear that he could learn from her.

This can more or less confirm her status as a master and apprentice.

Otherwise, it's really a bit inappropriate!
Of course, she has always been unable to understand, it is really strange that this young man with good qualifications who is known to be a talented genius at a glance, cannot understand why the master did not directly accept him as an apprentice, but as a grandson.

I asked Master before, but Master refused to tell me. I don't know if Jiang Ziliang is willing to talk.

"How did you and my master know each other? What kind of past involvement is there between you?"

Yang Zimei asked curiously.

"Without Master, there would be no me."

Jiang Ziliang responded indifferently like this, and didn't say anything more.

"What's the specific situation? Did Master save your life?"

Yang Zimei asked.

Jiang Ziliang nodded, "It's equivalent to a life-saving grace."

What is equivalent to life-saving grace?

Yang Zimei wanted to roll her eyes at her apprentice, why couldn't she answer on time?

"What's the specific situation? You haven't said yet."

"Sorry, Master, I don't want to mention it."

Jiang Ziliang glanced at her guiltily, pursed his lips tightly, like a stubborn child, and seemed afraid that he would pry his mouth open and let him speak.

This made Yang Zimei more interested and wanted to know the reason.

What is the relationship between them?

The master is indifferent to Jiang Ziliang, and Jiang Ziliang is absolutely obedient to him, and even obeys his words, and recognizes himself, a little girl, as his master.

How strange, how strange!
[Do you like the original red and mysterious cover, or do you like the blue domineering cover now?Please leave a message!Also, recently, Tencent has been convulsed, and the chapters of the initial update may be blank, but it will be fine after a while. As for how long it will take, it depends on the technical character. Sixth update on the 28th! 】

(End of this chapter)

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