Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1275 Jiang Ziliang's Love

Chapter 1275 Jiang Ziliang's Love (2)

Yang Zimei didn't have enough emeralds to set up a large spirit-gathering formation, so she had to go to the jade market or gamble on stones.

"Thank you, master. It's just that the time I can stay at home is very short, so I can't just find a place to practice outside?"

Jiang Ziliang asked suspiciously.

"You can also practice outside, but you can't set up a spirit gathering array! The effect of cultivation is a bit poor. Of course, when your skill improves a little, you can also find a natural place for gathering spirits by yourself. Everywhere , more or less there will be special aura in a certain acupuncture point."

Yang Zimei nodded.

"Wearing a bracelet is enough."

Xuehu said from the side, "His bracelets are the spirit-gathering bracelets of our clan."

"Ju Ling Bracelet, why can't I feel it?"

Even if Yang Zimei looked at it with the eyes of the sky, she couldn't see the aura overflowing from the kyanite bracelet, which looked like an ordinary bracelet.

The string in my hand is the same.

"You are not a member of my clan, so you can't see it, and it has no effect on you, but it has an effect on him. Wearing it on your hand is equivalent to carrying a natural spirit gathering array with you, and there can be a steady stream of spiritual energy in it to be absorbed."

Xuehu explained.

"So miraculous?"

Yang Zimei was really envious.

"Well, because every kyanite is a spirit stone that has absorbed the essence of the world's aura day and night for hundreds of thousands of years. In our family, there are not many people who can have this kind of spirit stone, even if I ,nor."

"Ah? Who has that? I thought everyone of you had it, otherwise, you wouldn't have encountered two strings so easily."

Yang Zimei asked in surprise.

Xuehu pursed her lips and did not answer.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, Yang Zimei knew that it might be related to the secrets of their fox clan, so she wisely asked the truth without breaking the casserole.

No matter how curious she is, no matter how gossip, she also knows a truth: in this world, some things can be said, and some things cannot be said. Even the closest person does not necessarily mean that he wants to tell himself all the secrets he knows.

Yang Zimei touched her wrist with her hand, and sighed, why didn't she have the blood of the fox clan?

If there is, don't go to a place every time to find the place where the spirits gather.

Jiang Ziliang took out the bracelet left by his mother from his pocket, his eyes full of hesitation.

This is a bunch of things that girls only wear.

He is a pure man, and he is still an iron-blooded soldier. Will it make people laugh if he wears this girly thing on his wrist?

Yang Zimei also guessed his thoughts, "You can call me, who is much younger than you, master, which is enough to prove that you are not a person who cares about other people's eyes."

"Thank you, Master, for your instruction."

Smart people are smart people, and Jiang Ziliang quickly understood Yang Zimei's short words.

Yes, why should he care what others think?
No matter how girly this string of kyanite bracelets is, it will not change his pure man nature.


He also put the string of kyanite on his wrist.

Seeing his thick wrist with a string of crystal-clear kyanite bracelets, it felt a little weird. Yang Zimei wanted to laugh, but she was too embarrassed to do so.

"Sister, from this point of view, you seem to be wearing couple tokens."

Xiaoqian said quickly from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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