Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1280 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1280 Suspected Life Experience (1)

"Grandpa Zeng, my life has my arrangements and choices. Even my parents can't interfere with my marriage and love. If you still cherish our relationship, please don't marry me and the Jiang family in the future." Taken together, I will not sacrifice myself for the benefit of the family, let alone I am not a descendant of the Zeng surname, so there is no need to marry you according to your wishes because of this little blood."

Yang Zimei said frankly, "That's right, I live in Jiang's house now, and my relationship with Jiang Ziliang is very good, but our relationship is quite special, not the kind of marriage relationship you think. In this world, There is one person I cannot marry, and that is Jiang Ziliang!"

After she finished speaking, she left them who were stunned and walked away.

"Grandpa, what does Niu Niu mean? Why can't Jiang Ziliang marry? Is it because she thinks her status is low enough to be worthy of Young Marshal Jiang?"

Cheng Xiaojing said doubtfully from the side.

"I don't know, you go out and let me be quiet."

Yang Zimei's words were like dropping a bomb on Zeng Zhenlong's heart.

Yes, Yang Zimei is not his daughter. In terms of blood relationship, it has been more than three generations. I really have no right to arrange a marriage life for her and force her to do things she doesn't like.

But, why did she say that there is only one man in this world who cannot marry, and that is Jiang Ziliang?

She also said that she has a special relationship with Jiang Ziliang.

Is it?

Thinking of it, his brows frowned.

At that time, the relationship between my daughter and the eldest son of the Jiang family was not bad, and I once wanted to deal with the two of them.

Could it be that his daughter's pregnancy that day was related to the Jiang family?
The eldest son of the Jiang family, that is, Jiang Ziliang's father, did not pick up a woman from outside until he was 35 years old after his daughter left to marry and have children.

Could it be that he was waiting for his daughter for more than ten years?
The more Zeng Zhenlong thinks about it, the more he looks like him.

The mood became more and more complicated.

If the daughter really had something to do with the son of the Jiang family, why was she so stupid not to tell herself?

If the two families are directly preparing to get married, wouldn't everyone be happy?
She also knew that she had always wanted to be with Jiang Fangyuan, the son of the Jiang family, but at the time she thought she was too young, and out of respect for her love choice, she didn't say anything clearly.

This silly girl!

Zeng Zhenlong couldn't help cursing.

He had taken it for granted now, thinking that the reason why Yang Zimei couldn't be with Jiang Ziliang was because she knew she was related to the Jiang family.

Yes, definitely so!
Although her daughter didn't tell herself, she would definitely tell Yang Zimei.

And Jiang Ziliang, it may also be because his father told him this secret!

Therefore, he and Yang Zimei had already recognized their blood relationship.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help calling Jiang Guangzheng angrily.

"Brother Zeng, I was just thinking about calling you, but I didn't expect you to be one step ahead."

Jiang Guang on the phone said with a smile.

"Hehe, Head of State Jiang, how dare I bother you to call me yourself?" Zeng Zhenlong's tone was ashamed when he thought that his son had harmed his daughter so badly and that he had no daughter to serve him for decades. Become very cold and hard.

Hearing Zeng Zhenlong's tone, Jiang Guangzheng was a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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