Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1291 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1291 Suspected Life Experience (12)


Yang Zimei looked helplessly at Zeng Sihui's Huaichun expression.

A girl in the infatuation period, no matter what you say, she will not listen, let alone consider the consequences.

If you say that her love will be full of frustration and pain at this time, maybe she will be more excited and looking forward to it.

"Niuniu, look at your reaction, it's almost as if my cousin has nothing to do with you, it's really sad."

When Zeng Sihui saw that she only replied "uh" lightly, she patted her on the shoulder in dissatisfaction.

"How can I be happy knowing that you jumped into the fire pit?"

Yang Zimei looked at her worriedly and said, "What's so good about Ge Liancheng? He is greedy for money and power, and he is with you now because he wants to use you."

"Really, how can you describe my Ge Liancheng like that? He is a good man who is dedicated and noble!"

Zeng Sihui was very upset when she heard her describe Ge Liancheng like this.

"Professional and pure?"

Yang Zimei sneered, "How can I tell?"

"Didn't you watch it? Which one of his TV shows didn't play that kind of man?"

Zeng Sihui rolled her eyes and said, "Besides, you can tell by his face that he is such a superb man."

Yang Zimei was sweating.

Ge Liancheng was quite handsome, but what he showed on his face was definitely not that kind of dedicated and noble.

She didn't even bother to talk to Zeng Sihui anymore, anyway, no matter how much she talked, she couldn't listen.

Ge Liancheng was a catastrophe for her.

This calamity may also be brought about by the previous life, and it must be repaid in this life.

If it is not clear, it will be left to the next life to pay back double.

Alas, love is a thing, each has its own destiny.

"Cousin, I'm going to go out with Xuehu later, but Xiaoqian Lianyi wants to go out to play again. You are probably familiar with the food, drink and entertainment in the capital. Can you take them out to play?"

Yang Zimei asked, changing the subject.


Zeng Sihui readily agreed, then frowned and said, "However, Xiaoqian is a bit naughty, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it alone, I have no experience in raising children myself, and I'm careless. He lost it."

"Sadako is going too."

Yang Zimei said, "Zhenzi will watch over them, you are only responsible for being a tour guide."

"With Zhenzi here, I can rest assured!"

Zeng Sihui nodded.

Yang Zimei took out a card and handed it to her, "This is my credit card. Everything I eat, drink and play today will be charged to my account."

Zeng Sihui was not hypocritical, and took the card over, "I heard people say that you gambled several pieces of sky-high priced jadeite in the Guangyuan stone gambling market, and became a super rich man, and I, hehe, don't blackmail me." , It’s just a waste of extortion, I’m going to swipe my card hard today, haha.”

Yang Zimei was sweating.

Her money did not come from the wind!
However, she believed that Zeng Sihui would never swipe her card madly, so she gave it to her with confidence.

Yang Zimei went out to find Sadako and explained the situation to her.

Sadako was a little disappointed when she heard that she didn't take her there, but she still didn't say much, just nodded and said, "Okay, I will take Xiaoqian and Lianyi with me, master, please be careful."

"Thank you Sadako."

Yang Zimei smiled.

Yang Zimei borrowed his car from Jiang Ziliang, but it wasn't his Land Rover, but his spare Hummer, which also had a military license.

(End of this chapter)

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