Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1299 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1299 Suspected Life Experience (20)

Otherwise, where in this world would there be girls who would not be willing to be beautiful models?

With this thought, he even wanted to take a picture of her as a souvenir.

"This... girl, can I ask you something?"

Chen Fan asked hesitantly.

"As I said, I don't have time to be your model."

Yang Zimei opened his voice.

"It's not this, but I want to take a photo with you, I wonder if you would like to?"

Fearing that she would refuse, Chen Fan continued, "I know, my request is too abrupt. Don't worry, I don't mean any blasphemy. I just admire you out of appreciation for lotus flowers. I hope you don't It doesn't take much time to refuse, just 1 minute will be fine."

Seeing him like this, Yang Zimei really couldn't refuse, so she nodded in agreement.

"Oh yeah!"

Chen Fan, who was already in his 30s, cheered like a little boy with joy. He danced and asked Yang Zimei to stand by the lake, pressed the selfie button, and quickly came to her side.


The flash came on.

"It's over, thank you."

Chen Fan happily returned to his video camera, and called up the photos inside.

He just glanced at it, and then he was stunned, with a face full of heavy blows, and muttered in his mouth, "How did this happen? How did this happen?"

Seeing that he was strange, Yang Zimei also hooked his head to look at the photos in the camera.

She was also slightly surprised.

There is himself in the photo, but Chen Fan is gone, there is only a shadow on where he is standing.

"It doesn't look like exposure, what's going on?"

Chen Fan checked the photos carefully, but couldn't figure out why the photos he took would be like this.

"How long has it been since you took a picture of yourself?"

It was not the first time Yang Zimei had seen the fact that no figures could be photographed, so she was not very surprised.

Because now Chen Fan himself has some problems.

"It's been a few years. I usually like to take pictures of lotus flowers. I have no interest in taking pictures of myself."

Chen Fan recalled.

At this time, what he thought of was not his own problem, but a naive belief that because Yang Zimei was a lotus elf, he, a mortal, stood with her and was affected by her divine power, so he couldn't appear.

How could he have thought that he, a living person, would have weird things like taking pictures but not showing his image?

Yang Zimei's fingers moved slightly, touching his acupuncture points, making his consciousness blank at this time, like a wooden man, without any conscious thought.

Yang Zimei stretched out her finger to feel for his pulse.

The pulse beat is still a little different from ordinary people, and the rhythm is half slow.

Yang Zimei stretched out her finger and placed it on his seal.

Sure enough, the fingers could clearly feel the evil spirit coming from inside, and it even seemed like a creature was about to move.

Could it be that he was really poisoned by something like Gu poison?

Is it the long-awaited one in this lotus lake, or is it chosen occasionally?
Yang Zimei let go of her fingers, opened his acupuncture points, and left.

And Chen Fan himself didn't have any consciousness, he just felt that his eyes were dazzled just now.

Seeing that Yang Zimei had gone far away, he felt extremely regretful, but he didn't dare to catch up, so he secretly took a picture of Yang Zimei's back with the feeling of meeting a god.

(End of this chapter)

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