Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1323 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1323 Suspected Life Experience (44)

Zeng Zimo was sweating.

He really couldn't figure out how a person like Jiang Ziliang would accept a girl as his apprentice.

While he was wondering, his mother Cheng Xiaojing hurried in, "Grandpa, the head of state Jiang is here."

"Ah? Why is he here?"

Zeng Zhenlong was slightly surprised.

Although he and Jiang Guangzheng were on good terms in the past, but with the decline of his family and Jiang Guangzheng's rise, the distance between the two has become wider and wider. Even if they meet occasionally for a meal, It is also outside, and will not come to the house at all.

Now, he actually came to the door, he seemed very anxious to see if Yang Zimei was his granddaughter.

Zeng Zhenlong adjusted his clothes and asked Zeng Zimo to help him out.

Jiang Guang was standing in the living room.

Ye Wenxin was nervously making tea and waiting.

As soon as Jiang Guangzheng saw Zeng Zhenlong, he greeted him with a smile all over his face, "Brother Zeng, Mr. Jiang came today uninvited, please don't take offense if I disturb you!"

"I can be flattered that the head of state of Chiang Kai-shek can come to my humble house at a time when everything is going on."

Zeng Zhenlong deliberately said with a cold face.

He knew that the more indifferent he was, the more Jiang Guangzheng would think that his son was messing with his daughter that day.

Sure enough, Jiang Guangzheng really thought so, so he laughed and said, "Haha, brother Zeng, you are really joking, our two families have always been on good terms, and you want to get married a few times, so don't be polite to me."

"Oh! In-laws? My family has become a joke."

Zeng Zhenlong sneered, his face tightened even more.

"Brother Zeng—"

Jiang Guangzheng said with a little guilt, "I really didn't know that my family Fangyuan would do that kind of outrageous behavior to Xiaohui. Now that things are like this, let's let go of everything in the past and have a good chat, okay? it is good?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't want to talk to you about anything, President Jiang, I'm sorry, it's time for me to take a nap now, forgive me for neglecting you, Zimo, let's see off the guests!"

After Zeng Zhenlong finished speaking, he didn't give Jiang Guangzheng any face and walked away.

Seeing his unusual attitude, Jiang Guangzheng became even more convinced that it was really his son who inflated his precious daughter's belly.

Therefore, he asked, "Where's your girl?"

"Niu Niu is not at home."

Zeng Zimo replied.

"Aren't you at home? Where did you go? She's a girl who just came to the capital, and you didn't accompany her for a while, just let her wander around? What if she gets lost or meets a bad guy?"

Jiang Guangzheng reprimanded anxiously.

"She refuses to live at home."

Zeng Zimo said helplessly.

"Refused to live here? Why? Is it because you treat her badly?"

Jiang Guangzheng asked a little angrily.

Zeng Zimo was sweating, "President Jiang, it's not that we treat Niu Niu badly, but that Niu Niu thinks it's inconvenient to live here, so she moved out."

"Really, it must be because you didn't treat her very well, so you excused that it was inconvenient to move out. For such a young girl, you are willing to let her move out. If you don't like her living here, you can live in my house , no one in my family will find it inconvenient."

At this time, Jiang Guangzheng was in his heart, and he completely regarded Niu Niu, whom he had never met, as his great-granddaughter.

Cheng Xiaojing and Ye Wenxin didn't know the situation, and thought he had already regarded Yang Zimei as his grandson-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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