Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1334 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1334 Suspected Life Experience (55)

But Xiaoqian dodged away, not letting Dragon Mother hug her.

"Tian'er, Tian'er, don't you recognize your mother?"

There was a hint of psychedelic and trance in Dragon Mother's eyes, and her face was gentle and loving.

Yang Zimei couldn't help but shed tears, and motioned for Xiaoqian to let her hug her.

Xiaoqian shook his head and firmly refused.

On Longmu's body, there was an aura that he felt uncomfortable.

Xiaoqian is an extremely sensitive and picky person, if someone else's scent doesn't match his taste, he absolutely can't let others touch him, let alone hug him.

So far, Sadako has not been able to pull him a finger.

Yang Zimei knew Xiaoqian's eccentricity, so she didn't force him, but said to Long Mu, "Auntie, that's not Zhutian, Zhutian is over 20 years old, this is Xiaoqian, my younger brother."

"Isn't it Tian'er?"

Mother Long's eyes gradually regained clarity from a trance. She stared at Xiaoqian carefully for a while, and realized that she was really not her son, so she fell down on the bed with a look of frustration, and muttered, " My god, my god, I want to see my god..."

"He'll be back soon, just wait."

Yang Zimei comforted her.

However, she also knows that the chances of waiting for Long Zhutian to come back are relatively low. Perhaps, she should take Mother Long to the United States and find him in person, so as to save him from spending time running back.

As a native who has never been abroad, she is still at a loss for the United States.

But with Long Zhuiyue who is familiar with the United States, it shouldn't be a problem.

When Mother Long heard Yang Zimei say this, she sat quietly, her eyes were in a trance, and she didn't know if she was caught in the memory of memories.

"Auntie, let's go for a walk, shall we?"

Looking at Long Mu's almost transparent face due to long-term lack of sunlight, Yang Zimei felt that it was necessary to let her take a walk in the courtyard again.

Mother Long nodded and stood up.

Yang Zimei supported her and walked out of the door.

Seeing them coming out, Long Zhuiyue came up to meet them anxiously, and called "Mom" with tears in his eyes.

When Mother Long saw Long Zhuiyue, she still shrank behind Yang Zimei as if seeing a ghost, holding her arm tightly, her voice trembling, "Drive her away, I don't want to see her!"

"Mom, why don't you want to see me? I'm your daughter. I've been looking forward to you for a long time. Don't you really care about my daughter?"

Seeing that Mother Long still refused to see her, Long Zhuiyue cried out in despair and sadness.

"I don't have a daughter, I only have Tian'er, go away, go away!"

Mother Long's emotions began to lose control again, so Yang Zimei had no choice but to touch her acupuncture points, making her faint in his arms.

"Sister-in-law, why is this happening?"

Long Zhuiyue came over and reached out to take the unconscious Dragon Mother into his hand, tears streaming down his face.

Yang Zimei couldn't explain it to her either.

It's just that Long Mu is afraid of Ripple.

Why is it that even Long Zhuiyue is afraid?
Moreover, they are still people who look similar.

Is it because seeing the dragon chasing the moon reminds me of the unbearable years of imprisonment?

"This is Long Caiyun?"

Jiang Guangzheng came over, looked at Long Mu in Long Zhuiyue's arms, and asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Yang Zimei looked up at him, "You know him?"


Jiang Guangzheng nodded, "The inexplicable disappearance more than [-] years ago, the police used a lot of manpower and material resources, causing a sensation, but they failed to find her. Later, with the occurrence of the massacre of her Long family, her disappearance also came to an end. It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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