Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1339 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1339 Suspected Life Experience (60)

Yang Zimei and Xuehu followed him out.

Yang Zimei blinked at Xuehu.

Xuehu understood what she meant, stepped forward quietly, and skillfully took out the file bag from Jiang Guangzheng's cloth bag, and replaced it with a file that he randomly picked up in the file room just now, so that he could not feel his own. The bag has changed.

Yang Zimei and Xuehu avoided Jiang Guangzheng's gaze and returned to the car.

She couldn't wait to know what was in the file, and she only saw a photo just now.

Pull out the photos from inside and look at them one by one.

Those photos were all taken from different angles of the deceased, as well as the situation of the whole Long's house.

Among them, there is a strange photo, which took a corner of a yard.

There are vague shadows in the corner.

The shadow is small and curled up.

Yang Zimei clenched her palms tightly.

If there are no accidents, the filming here should be Long Zhutian.

He couldn't take portraits without wearing the mahogany badge, so this shadow was undoubtedly his.

In front of this shadow, lay a dead man.

From the white hair of the deceased, it can be seen that the deceased was relatively old, but his face was blurred by blood, so he couldn't see clearly. He was hacked about seven or eight knives on his chest, and even his stomach and intestines were lost. out.

Could this be Long Zhutian's grandfather?
The only one who gave Long Zhutian some warmth?
Yang Zimei couldn't imagine what Xiaolong Zhutian, who was squatting in the corner at that time, would be feeling.

Noticing that there was writing on the back of the photo, she turned it over to read it.

"There were nine members of the Long family, and eight of them died. The remaining five-year-old boy, Long Zhutian, couldn't take a portrait because the photos were exposed. At that time, his whole portrait was terrified, and his eyes were horrifying."

Apart from this line, there is nothing else.

After flipping through the photos, Yang Zimei looked at the documents again.

The document records the circumstances of the case in detail at that time, but there is no investigation record, and a page of the head of state's secret order is attached.

The person who issued the secret order on this page was Wang Zeyuan, who ordered the investigation of the case to be suspended and announced to the outside world as a headless case.

It's Wang Zeyuan again!
"Xuehu, let's follow Jiang Guangzheng now and see what he does."

Yang Zimei vaguely felt that Jiang Guangzheng might have to do something.

Nodding at Xuehu who was driving, with his unique sensitivity, he followed Jiang Guangzheng who had gone a long way.

Jiang Guangzheng's car did not drive home, but drove out of the city.

Where is he going?

Find the reclusive Wang Zeyuan to ask about the situation?

Everyone said before that Wang Zeyuan lived in seclusion in Dongshan Villa.

This direction is heading west.

After following for about an hour, I came to the suburban residential area.

It was late at night, and the villagers seemed to be in deep sleep. Except for the faint lights of the street lamps flickering around, there was no human voice to be seen.

Jiang Guangzheng stopped the car and walked out.

Now he has removed his night clothes and put on ordinary casual clothes.

Xuehu and Yang Zimei also got out of the car to follow, because he couldn't see them because of the phantom technique.

Jiang Guangzheng turned on the flashlight and walked cautiously ahead.

From time to time, there were a few dogs barking in the houses.

Yang Zimei really didn't understand why he came here. Could it be that Wang Zeyuan would live in such an ordinary residential area?
Jiang Guangzheng went all the way to a house with a wall but looked very ordinary in appearance, and gently rang the doorbell...

(End of this chapter)

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