Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 135 [058] Song Xuan wants to get married

Chapter 135 [058] Song Xuan wants to get married
"Well, Zixi will definitely become as brave as a sister, and protect Zilei and Ziyun's two younger brothers."

"Zi Xi, don't tell your parents what happened today, lest they worry, you understand?"

"I see."

"If you think about it and still feel scared, hold on to this copper coin. This is my sister's amulet. I give it to you now to protect your safety. No matter where you are in the future, my sister will always be able to sense your position." Yang Zimei said .

Yang Zixi touched the Kaiyuan Tongbao, and asked with a troubled face: "Sister, you gave me the amulet, what should you do? I don't want it, you should keep it, Zixi will be brave in the future, and won't be afraid of anything .”

Yang Zimei smiled and hugged her into his arms, "Silly sister, I can make amulets again, it's fine. Of course, Zixi must be brave. Only brave people can be strong and overcome everything."

"Yeah." Yang Zixi nodded, holding the copper coin tightly, her childish gaze was firm.

Coming out of his younger sister's room, Yang Zimei went back to his own room, and was startled when he heard the bell ringing suddenly. Looking carefully, the sound came from the mobile phone box that Long Zhutian had given him.

Because she was too busy, she didn't have time to open the box and look at the phone inside, but just put it aside.

The bell inside was ringing impatiently, she opened the box and took out the brand new mobile phone from inside.

The phone screen kept flashing the name of the caller ID: Tian Tian.

Seeing the word Tiantian, Yang Zimei felt like vomiting blood and wanting to hit her head to death.

This Long Zhutian, a 25-year-old man with a cool face, actually calls himself Tiantian, isn't it disgusting?
She connected to the phone—

"Hello—" Long Zhutian's slightly deep and magnetic voice came from the phone.

"Well, it's me." Yang Zimei replied.

"Going out?" Long Zhutian asked.

"Yes, I went to deal with Gao Youcai, and I just came back now."

"Have a good rest, good night."

After Long Zhutian finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone without waiting for her to say good night to him, which was simply too abrupt.

She looked carefully at this mobile phone. It was a Nokia color screen. In 03, black and white screens were generally used. The color screen is considered a new feature, and the price is about 6000 yuan.

It's embarrassing to say, in her last life, although she lived in 2013, when all people had mobile phones, she didn't have one, and she didn't need to. Spend dozens of mobile phone bills a month?
Therefore, mobile phones are still new to her now.

She carefully studied the manual of the mobile phone, figured out the various function keys, and then dialed Song Xuan's mobile phone.


Song Xuan's soothing and gentle voice came from the phone, like a breeze blowing gently on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Song, it's me."

"Oh? Xiaomei?" Hearing Yang Zimei's voice, Song Xuan was a little surprised, but also very happy. He looked at the number of the caller, and it was unfamiliar. "Xiaomei, did you buy a mobile phone?"


"That's great. It will be much more convenient to find you in the future. I just wanted to call you." Song Xuan said.

"Mr. Song, what's the matter?"


There was silence on the phone for a while, "Xiaomei, I'm getting married, and the wedding will be held the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, congratulations, you will be happy." Yang Zimei said sincerely.


Song Xuan was silent for a while again, and the air was somewhat depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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