Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1351 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1351 Suspected Life Experience (72)

Where did you go?
Yang Zimei looked around suspiciously, but couldn't find anyone there.

"Xuehu, Zhenzi won't go after that Wang Zeyuan, will she? Have you smelled her breath?"

Yang Zimei pinned her hopes on Xuehu's nose, which was more sensitive than a hunting dog.

Xuehu nodded, pulled her to jump out of the wall, and chased her out.

After chasing for a kilometer, Yang Zimei also felt Zhenzi's breath, and she was actually in a hotel.

Why did Sadako come here?
Yang Zimei and Xuehu searched for her breath suspiciously, and found the room where she was.

Fortunately the door was not closed.

The two went in stealthily.

I saw Sadako sitting on the bed with her head down, her face expressionless, a bit like a wooden figure.

Just as Yang Zimei was about to call her, a naked person came out of the bathroom.

This person is actually that perverted Wang Zeyuan again.

He found that the door was not closed, so he walked over naked, closed the door, and then sat beside Sadako, his hand began to fumble around restlessly, as if he had touched the wax figure of Long Caiyun before.

Sadako still didn't respond.

It seems that his consciousness has been delusional by him.

Yang Zimei was not impulsive this time, but took out the mirror and looked at Wang Zeyuan.

A very old soul appeared in the mirror, as if it was the shape he had before shedding his skin.

"Snow Lake, doesn't it seem like a snake?"

Yang Zimei searched carefully, but found no trace of the snake, so she said to Xuehu in her heart language in surprise.

Xuehu took a closer look, "But it may not be a snake!"

"I'll sprinkle a handful of realgar and have a look!"

Yang Zimei took out the prepared realgar from the storage ring, and directly raised it towards Wang Zeyuan...

"Ha Qiu!"

Wang Zeyuan sneezed, and his small body suddenly curled up into a ball.

Sadako was shocked at this time, her pupils lit up, and her expression returned to normal.

She looked at Wang Zeyuan who was curled up beside her, and the embroidery needle came from nowhere, and stabbed directly at him.

The embroidery needle actually pierced Wang Zeyuan, but was not isolated by his powerful aura protective layer.

"Sadako, kill him!"

Yang Zimei said.

When Zhenzi heard Yang Zimei's voice, she didn't even think about it. The embroidery needles in her hands were like raindrops, stabbing at Wang Zeyuan densely, as if she was doing embroidery usually.

That posture was extremely graceful, but it also carried a murderous aura.

Wang Zeyuan curled up with his head in his arms, screaming in pain.

Yang Zimei tried to draw out her general sword and stab at him.

However, this time she was careful and didn't use much force, so as not to backfire and hurt herself.

Sure enough, as soon as Gan Jiang's sword touched his breath, it immediately bounced back as if hitting a hard object.

Therefore, she had no choice but to put away the sword and watch Sadako doing embroidery.

She couldn't understand why Sadako could directly attack Wang Zeyuan, but she couldn't?

Could it be that his breath is useless to the living dead Sadako?

Sadako was addicted to stabbing, Wang Zeyuan suddenly opened his mouth, and let out a puff of air.

That breath was extremely stinky, probably hundreds of times worse than a skunk's fart.

Yang Zimei and Xuehu, who had a sensitive sense of smell, were so smoked that they retreated from the window in an instant, their stomachs churning, and they almost vomited.

And at this moment, Sadako inside suddenly tilted her head and fell on the bed. Wang Zeyuan rolled out like a ball and disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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