Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1362 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1362 Suspected Life Experience (82)

At this moment, Long Zhuiyue only felt that his heart was being torn apart by a pair of big hands.

She could no longer pretend to be numb.

She hated Wang Zeyuan to death!
He was the product of her tragedy!
It was he who let her know the cruel truth!

Everything is him!

Thinking of this, Long Zhuyue took out the realgar that was hidden on his body all the time, threw it directly in Wang Zeyuan's face, and sprinkled it into his eyes.

Wang Zeyuan screamed, rubbing his eyes and curled up into a ball.

Long Zhuiyue didn't care about Yang Zimei's previous orders, so he took out the prepared poisonous needle and stabbed him directly.

Hearing Long Zhuiyue's hysterical scolding and Wang Zeyuan's screams in the room, Yang Zimei screamed inwardly, and hurriedly kicked the door in with Zhenzi.

Seeing that Long Zhuiyue was actually stabbing Wang Zeyuan's eyes with a poisonous needle, Yang Zimei rushed over, stretched out his hand and slapped the needle away, "Don't do this!"

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him!"

Long Zhuiyue struggled, crying and shouting.

Seeing Wang Zeyuan rolling over while covering his eyes, Sadako followed the trend, sprinkled realgar on his body, and stabbed his key acupuncture points with dozens of poisonous needles.

Before that, Yang Zimei had already taught her to recognize the acupoints.

Every place she pricked was Wang Zeyuan's death spot.

Wang Zeyuan's acupuncture point was pricked by the poisonous needle, and the poison quickly spread in his body.

These venoms were all prepared by Xiaoqian, and I don't know what method was used to prepare them, they are extremely vicious.

Wang Zeyuan's whole body quickly turned black.

At this time, he began to open his mouth to breathe out bad smell.

Because Yang Zimei and Sadako didn't have time to shield their sense of smell because they rushed in too fast just now, everyone was still almost fainted again by his suffocating stench.

However, Sadako was very brave this time.

He was able to react unexpectedly, grabbed Wang Zeyuan who was about to escape, and stomped him down.

Yang Zimei also blocked her sense of smell at this time, she quickly took out the demon-binding rope that Lianyi lent her, and tied Wang Zeyuan up.

She didn't know whether this demon-binding rope would work for Wang Zeyuan, but no matter what, she had to try it.

Wang Zeyuan was held down by the two women, unable to move.

His eyes were stabbed by Long Zhuiyue with a poisonous needle, and he was already blind. The venom was swimming in his body, the pain was like purgatory, and there was only heart-piercing screams.

"It's noisy!"

Yang Zimei sealed his dumb acupoint.

"My eyes, my eyes!"

At this time, Long Zhuiyue suddenly covered his eyes and screamed.

Yang Zimei looked over and saw that her pupils quickly turned black, just like Wang Zeyuan's pupils that were stabbed by poisonous needles.


Sure enough, as Xuehu said, Long Zhuiyue was backlashed.

Yang Zimei asked Zhenzi to hold Wang Zeyuan in place, and quickly went over to support Long Zhuiyue, and sealed her eye sockets with silver needles.

"Sister-in-law, eyes...what's wrong with my eyes..."

Long Zhuiyue grabbed Yang Zimei in extreme fear.

"When you hurt Wang Zeyuan, it's like hurting him, just like if he's blind, you're stabbing yourself blind."

Yang Zimei said helplessly.

It seems that this Wang Zeyuan is really half-human, half-snake.

And the backlash that Xuehu said was also true.

Fortunately, Long Zhuiyue only injured Wang Zeyuan's eyes, and did not commit any other killings.

(End of this chapter)

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