Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1373 Suspected Life Experience

Chapter 1373 Suspected Life Experience (93)

Yang Zimei reached out to touch her heart, picked up the map, and looked at it against the light.

It's just thick sheepskin, and you can't see anything special.

Why can cause this welcome effect?
The more she thought about it, the more curious she became, so she picked up the dagger and scratched lightly at the edge of the map, wanting to scratch it off to have a look.

Although the dagger cannot cut iron like mud, it is also very sharp, the kind that can break at the blow of a hair.

However, it was impossible to scrape a crack on the sheepskin.

How can this be?

Yang Zimei stepped up her efforts.

The sheepskin map is still motionless, and it cannot be damaged at all.

With her skill, even if there is a piece of iron in front of her, she can cut it in half.

What material is this made of?
Is it wrong to think that it is made of sheepskin?

She couldn't help but took the map to find Xuehu.

Xuehu was sitting in front of the mirror, without disguise, and the wig on his head was also taken off, staring in a daze at the mirror.

The scorched black on his head was still ugly.

He who has always been calm, now has a lot of tangled expressions.

"Snow Lake—"

Yang Zimei walked over and called him.

Xuehu hurriedly put on the wig on her head, turned to face her, pursed her lips and said, "Girl, are you here?"


Yang Zimei looked at his head and said, "In front of me, it doesn't matter if you don't need to wear a wig, I don't find it ugly at all."

Xuehu smiled, reached out to touch her head, and asked softly, "Can't sleep?"


Yang Zimei nodded, "I feel sad about the time."

"The waiting mood is always so difficult. Don't worry, he will definitely come back."

Xuehu said lightly.

"Well, I believe it too."

Yang Zimei nodded.

"He's back, and I'm going to be a fox again. Just a battered fox, too ugly, and can't wear a wig."

Xuehu reached out and touched his head.

Seeing his helpless expression, Yang Zimei understood what he was struggling with in front of the mirror just now.

It turned out that he was struggling with the fact that becoming a fox could not cover up his desperation.

"Xuehu, don't become a fox, that's all."

Yang Zimei looked at him and said, "Just stay by my side, okay?"

"It's definitely not good!"

Xuehu looked at her with doting eyes, "He will definitely be jealous."

"If you are jealous, you will be jealous. Being jealous is good for your health."

Yang Zimei said angrily, "This only proves that he is a cheapskate."

"Hehe, it doesn't mean that he is a cheapskate, it just means that he cares about you too much. You don't really spend much time together, and you don't really understand each other. Even though you love each other very much, it is easy to create gaps. I know, you Once there is a gap with him, you will be very unhappy, I don't want to see you unhappy, otherwise, there is no meaning for me to exist by your side."

Xuehu said with a smile.

Hearing these words, Yang Zimei's heart was filled with warmth, she was full of emotion, and her eye circles were red.

She is really lucky to have a friend like Xuehu by her side.

And she never thought about his grievances before.

"Snow Lake—"

She stretched out her hand to hold Xuehu's slender white hand, which was completely a work of art, looked at him seriously and asked, "Xuehu, am I being too selfish to you?"

"What a silly girl!"

Xuehu took his hand away from her, and touched her head again, "Be selfish, I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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