Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1393 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1393 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (14)

"Lord Death!"

Yang Zimei yelled and patted Xuehu's body, trying to wake him up.

However, Xuehu seemed to be under a hypnotizing spell, and couldn't wake up no matter what.

The Grim Reaper glanced at her, then floated straight in front of Long Caiyun's soul, and said, "Let's go!"

Long Caiyun reluctantly shifted her gaze from Long Zhutian to Death, and nodded silently.

"Temporary stay, Lord Death!"

Yang Zimei blocked his way, "You can't just walk away like this!"

The Grim Reaper stopped in his tracks, glanced at her with his dark eyes like a black hole, and said in a cold tone, "Those who stand in the way of the Grim Reaper! Die!"

"Master Reaper, I'm not trying to stop you! I have something to ask you, this is very important!"

Yang Zimei hurriedly showed Xuehu who was still sleeping in his arms, "Do you recognize it? It is Xuehu. When it took human form, its face was exactly the same as this half of your face. His mother was painted by the Fox clan. Map, I want to know if you are his father!"

The Grim Reaper's eyes fell on Xuehu.

However, there was still no change in the expression in the black pupil, and he said lightly, "I'm just the god of death, I don't remember anything about the past."

"I don't remember, it doesn't mean it's not!"

Yang Zimei begged, "He suffered the third catastrophe, and his head was blown up like this by Thor. I hope you can treat him for the sake of him being your son."

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

The god of death lifted his hair, revealing the other half of his hideous face, "If I can, I will cure myself first."

Yang Zimei was stunned, "Could it be that your side was also struck by Thunder God?"

"Maybe, don't remember."

After finishing speaking, the god of death hooked his finger towards Long Caiyun
Long Caiyun lowered her head and followed.

"Are you really Xuehu's father?"

Yang Zimei stepped forward unwillingly, and continued to block his way, "He has been thinking about you! How can you be so ruthless?"

The Grim Reaper glanced at the snow lake in her arms again, "I forgot."

"Forget? How can you be so irresponsible, and just forgetting will cut off the relationship between your father and son? I believe that you must be his father who ran away irresponsibly!"

Yang Zimei said a little angrily.

"I'm just Death!"

The god of death completely ignored her excitement, and continued to speak lightly.

"Okay, you're Death!"

Yang Zimei knew that no matter how excited he was, he might be indifferent to him, otherwise, he wouldn't even take a second look at Xuehu.

Fortunately, Xuehu is asleep now, otherwise, how sad would it be?

"Then can you tell me why you came to take her away?"

Yang Zimei looked at Long Caiyun's soul.

It stands to reason that the souls of ordinary people should be taken away by ordinary bull-headed horse faces, not harvested by the god of death.

The god of death did not answer her, but rolled the sickle in his hand, and a strong black gust of wind blew past, causing Yang Zimei to step back a few steps, blurring his eyes.

Opening his eyes again, the souls of Death God and Long Caiyun had long since disappeared, and the surroundings were completely clear.

Looking back at the two brothers and sisters Long Zhutian.

Long Zhuiyue held the skull in his hands and wailed loudly.

Long Zhutian silently reached out and touched Long Zhuiyue's head, and then restrained the scattered skull bones one by one with one hand.

"Brother, we don't have a mother anymore."

Long Zhuiyue said heartbroken, "I regret it, we should let mom stay for a few more days, woo woo."

"You still have a brother."

Long Zhutian looked at her and said, "Don't be sad, there is a saying in the West that crying will block the soul's way to heaven."


When Long Zhuiyue heard this, he hurriedly reached out to wipe away his tears.

However, the tears wiped more and more, and I couldn't stop...

(End of this chapter)

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