Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1418 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1418 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (40)

Yang Zimei lowered his head, and he hadn't used his blood-dripping tongue to lick and kiss Xuehu's head, but the blood dripped on it, and the scorched black part merged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, it became a big scar like lightning and solidified Lived, then no change.

Yang Zimei still tried to lick and kiss her.

There was still no change, so he put down the snow lake, went into the bathroom to rinse his mouth, and recovered his tongue injury.

After walking out, she saw that Xuehu had returned to her human form, covered in white clothes with flowing skirts, her black hair hanging straight down on the ground, looking at her with a slight smile.

In those eyes, there is a deeper tenderness and pampering than ever before, as if just looking at it is enough to drown people to death.

The ugly and terrible scorched black on his head disappeared, only a lightning-like scar rested on his bright and clean forehead, not only did not affect the appearance, but added a bit of manly mysterious charm to him, making people want to reach out Touch the scar and ask if it hurts.


Xuehu's voice was no longer the usual tranquility, but slightly excited and trembling.

Looking at the Xuehu Lake in front of him that had returned to normal, Yang Zimei's eye circles turned red, and a thin layer of mist covered him, "Xuehu Lake, that's great, you've finally recovered!"

"Thank you, girl!"

Xuehu stretched out his arms and hugged her into his arms.

"It's a pleasure to finally be able to do something for you."

Yang Zimei lay in Xuehu's arms.

There was a faint, peaceful aura about him, like the warm sun in winter and the radiance in summer.

Xuehu touched the top of her hair with his hand, then let her go, watching her continue to smile.

Yang Zimei also smiled.

A deeper and more eternal emotion flows quietly in the hearts of the two of them like a brook...

This kind of emotion is not as thrilling as love.

But it is as beautiful as a carnation, blooming in the spring breeze of the morning sun.

In this world, there is only inexplicable love, not inexplicable friendship.

The beauty of friendship is that giving and giving are equal.

When you hand over one heart, you will also exchange another heart. No matter the cold winter or the scorching sun, you will be accompanied by warmth.

"Xuehu, how are you?"

Xiaoqian jumped in from outside the door, saw the long and tall Xuehu, and jumped over in surprise, hugging Xuehu's thigh.

Xuehu would never hug Xiaoqian in the first place.

But this time, he actually bent down, hugged Xiaoqian, and said with a faint smile, "Well, girl, healed it for me."

"Wow! My sister is really amazing!"

Xiaoqian applauded excitedly, "I knew it, my sister can heal your injury! She has supernatural power!"

"You also think that the girl will be a descendant of the Protoss?"

Xuehu looked at Xiaoqian and asked.

"Descendants of the Protoss? I haven't thought about this, but I just think my sister has supernatural power."

Xiaoqian blinked and said.

"Xuehu, what are you talking about descendants of the Protoss? How could I be a Protoss? You have seen my parents, they are all very normal."

Yang Zimei said doubtfully.

"The protoss may not be manifested in your parents. Maybe it is your ancient ancestors. There was once a protoss, but the divinity has been submerged, so it is no different from ordinary people, until you."

Xuehu explained.

Yang Zimei smiled wryly, if she was really a protoss, her last life would not have been so miserable.

The so-called abilities beyond ordinary people are only derived after rebirth.

(End of this chapter)

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