Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1424 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1424 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (46)

All this made her very sad.

Before her grandfather Zeng Zhenlong appeared, she even secretly fantasized that it would be great if Yang Bai was not her grandfather.

Later, it turned out that he was not his biological grandfather.

In order to ease her attention, Yang Zimei also looked at the furnishings in the living room.

It has the elegant style of a scholarly family, very comfortable, and also pays attention to Feng Shui.

As the footsteps gradually approached, her little heart rose to her throat. She was expecting and nervous, and hurriedly sat back in her seat, pretending to be obedient and dignified.

She hopes that she can give her grandpa a very good first impression, so that she can pamper herself even more in the future.

Two figures appeared in the living room.

One is Rong Qing just now, and the other is an old man with slightly gray hair.

The old man was wearing a pair of big sunglasses that covered most of his face, and he was wearing a gray and neat Chinese tunic suit, holding a cane in his hand. His body was very straight, and his posture gave off a sense of elegance.

"Zimei, my father is here. His eyesight is inconvenient. If you have anything to do, just tell him directly."

Rong Qing helped his father to sit on the grand teacher's chair next to him, and said to Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei's heart sank.

She never thought that her own grandfather would be blind, no wonder he had to wear big sunglasses.

However, the strange thing is that when she saw the old man in front of her, she didn't have that natural sense of blood closeness.

This is a bit abnormal.

"Hello there!"

The old man spoke, his voice was deep and soothing, which was comfortable to listen to, but it didn't carry much emotion.

Yang Zimei was slightly disappointed.

This is quite different from the grandfather she imagined just now.

Could it be that he is destined not to be loved by his grandpa?
Thinking of this, her heart was really troubled.

"Hi, I'm Zeng Hui's granddaughter, do you still remember Zeng Hui?"

Yang Zimei was too lazy to go around in circles, so she went straight to the point and brought up grandma's name to see how she reacted.

If he was grandma's old lover, the reaction would definitely be different.

However, he didn't react much, he just lowered his head slightly in thought, as if he was thinking about who the name Zeng Hui was.

This made Yang Zimei a little dissatisfied.

Could it be that the man grandma has always kept in her heart has forgotten her name just like that?

Fortunately, she is always thinking about the peach blossom cake here.

"Zeng Hui? Oh, I remembered."

The old man thought for a while, and said with a sudden realization.

He took off the sunglasses on his face, his pair of dull eyes were sunken, his face was clear, and also a bit like his father.

"Are you Zeng Hui's granddaughter?"

The old man asked aloud, a pair of eyes like dead fish "looking" in the direction of Yang Zimei.

"Yes, Zeng Hui's granddaughter!"

Yang Zimei deliberately emphasized the word Zeng Hui.

There was a little surprise on the old man's face, and he tilted his head and said, "I have never had any contact with Zeng Hui. In my impression, she seems to have disappeared, and now she has brought her granddaughter back?"

Hearing his words, Yang Zimei became a little angry, "You don't have any relationship with my grandma? This really disappoints me, and I'm so sorry for my grandma."

"Eh? When will I be sorry for Zeng Hui?"

The old man was even more surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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