Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1446 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1446 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (68)

Xiaoqian, who had already finished eating the peach blossom cakes, licked her lips with her tongue, staring greedily at the box in Yang Zimei's hand.

It's not enough to eat one, how much I want to eat another person.

"I don't know. However, it is easier for me to accept that he has become a monk than that he has married someone else."

Seeing that Xiaoqian was really hungry, Yang Zimei opened the box.

I found that there were a lot of peach blossom crisps in it, and there was no need to leave too many for grandma, so I shared one with each person to taste, to see if it was different from the ones in Ronghe Zhai.

Yang Zimei also took a bite.

The general taste is similar to that bought in Ronghe Zhai.

However, there are still subtle differences, it seems that there is a taste of happiness flowing between the teeth, and it permeates into the heart, reminding her of the first time she saw Long Zhutian when she was five years old...

No wonder Xiaoqian and Lianyi ate with happiness on their faces.

It turned out that this is the taste of love.

Really special and delicious!
She closed the box and put it in her storage ring.

The remaining taste should be enough for grandma to miss for a long time.

After eating the peach blossom crisps, they were about to go down the mountain when they suddenly heard a sound like a car blowing out on the top of the mountain, causing the mountain to vibrate slightly, which made Yang Zimei jump.

"Sister, can't it be an earthquake?"

Xiaoqian asked suspiciously.

Yang Zimei shook his head, "This is Tian Po Sheng!"

"Tian Po Sheng? Could it be that Lian Yi is about to suffer a catastrophe?"

Xiao Qian turned pale with shock, and hugged Ripple nervously.

"This kind of sky breaking sound is not from the sky, but refers to the destruction of the magnetic field of some kind of force!"

Yang Zimei explained.

While explaining to Xiaoqian, she looked towards the source of the sound - the top of the mountain.

I saw an extremely strong black light wheel flashing past on the top of the mountain, and then disappeared.

What happened just now?

Yang Zimei really wanted to keep her mind off other people's business, but she couldn't help but want to take a look because of her natural curiosity that day.

Others are also full of curiosity and support to go up and have a look.

They also climbed up the winding mountain road.

There are four stone pillars standing on the top of the mountain, one of which is broken in the middle.

Yang Zimei frowned slightly, screaming inwardly.

These four stone pillars, in the eyes of ordinary people, can't see anything, but for her who is proficient in Maoshan metaphysics, she can see something special at a glance.

This is called Soul Shocking Pillar.

Generally, under such a formation, the buried bodies are all corpses that have been quartered by five horses.

The body was dismembered and re-sewn for burial.

But because the death was extremely miserable, the resentment was also extremely great, and it was not safe to bury it in the ground, so it was necessary to erect a soul-shocking pillar to shock it.

Yang Zimei carefully observed these stone pillars, at least a thousand years old.

It stands to reason that the corpse below has long since decayed, and the soul should be reincarnated.

The Soul Shocking Pillar broke suddenly, which meant that the formation had been broken.

The sky breaking sound just now happened, which shows that there are still ghosts waiting to move below.

Thinking of this, she became a little nervous.

"Everyone, be careful."

Yang Zimei turned back to Long Zhutian and said, "You are optimistic about Chasing the Moon."

"Sister-in-law, what happened? Why did I smell the smell of rotting corpses?"

Long Zhuiyue, whose eyes were invisible and whose nose was extremely sensitive, twitched.

She has been groping in ancient tombs since she was a child, and she can also distinguish the smell of rotting corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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