Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1450 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1450 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (72)

However, Yang Zimei was a little worried, worried that the little golden snake, which was extremely sinister, would hurt Long Zhutian.

Looking at Long Zhutian's appearance, he especially likes the little golden snake, letting it wrap around his arm at will.

"Snow Lake, should there be no problem?"

Yang Zimei seeks Xuehu's opinion.

"Looking at it, it treats Long Zhutian as its master, and it won't affect it, just like a pet."

Xuehu explained, "This is a good thing, not a bad thing."

Hearing what Xuehu said, Yang Zimei felt relieved.

"These are my relatives and friends, you recognize them, you can't hurt them."

Long Zhutian stroked the little golden snake's head and said.

The little golden snake looked around everyone for a week, and nodded anthropomorphically.

It seems that the intelligence index is close to that of Ripple.

"Sister, the corpse is moving again."

Xiaoqian yelled.

Yang Zimei just wanted to do it, but found that the flesh and bones of the corpse were rotting, and finally fell apart, turning into a pile of ashes.

It turns out that it can last for thousands of years without rot, that's just because it has a human body in it.

Yang Zimei also recited the Mantra of Rebirth, and rescued hundreds of innocent souls...

Everyone returned to Jiang's mansion.

Just as Yang Zimei was about to rest, Guan Feng came.

"Master Guan, the serum research was successful?"

Seeing the joy on his face, Yang Zimei asked.

"It's not the serum, but I suddenly thought of the human helmet."

Guan Feng said.

"Human? Did Chayue tell you so soon?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

"What did Chayue say? I haven't seen that girl yet. When I closed my eyes and rested my mind today, when I thought of your master, my mind suddenly flashed, and I suspected that your master's becoming like this might have something to do with human beings. .”

Guan Feng said.

Yang Zimei blinked, "What's the matter? Could it be that Master was planted with snake eggs in his body that day?"

"Growing snake eggs in the human body is a low-level model of the human body, which is generally only applicable to dead bodies. However, the human body I want to talk about now is a high-level model called the soul, which is also yin and yang. A kind of secret book of art."

Guan Feng explained.

"What the hell is this pod?"

Yang Zimei asked anxiously.

"The onmyoji knows that he is about to die and has no power to return to heaven. Therefore, he seals up his soul in a place for nourishing yin, waiting for a suitable opportunity. This opportunity is to find a dying person's body to sneak in, Start rebirth. This kind of soul has always been regarded as a legend, and everyone thinks it is impossible, because it means that it can be reborn repeatedly, and the soul is immortal."

Guan Feng said while opening an old book.

This book is all in Japanese, Yang Zimei learned some from Sadako in order to understand Yin Yang Art.

In addition, Japanese is originally derived from the ancient Chinese language, and it is of the same origin, so it is much easier to learn than English.

She looked carefully at the page opened by Guan Feng, and there was indeed such a description on it, but the record also showed that it might be just a legend, and no one had really experienced it, and no one who passed on the Yin-Yang technique later mastered it A secret.

In this world, there is no pure groundlessness.

Just because it's lost doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Just like the metaphysics she is learning now, to ordinary people, it is just a legend, thinking that it is impossible for such a profound and mysterious secret art to exist in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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