Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1458 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1458 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (80)

"Dragon, you have been cursed by the Holy Father, so what if you own the whole world? Isn't it involuntary? Haha!"

Reis laughed gloatingly.

Let you die laughing!

Yang Zimei was furious secretly, and with a movement of her finger, an ancient coin popped out from between her fingers and shot on Lace's laughing hole.

Because what he had to deal with was Lace who practiced black magic, her general evil spirit could not restrain him, but foreign objects could, especially the ancient coins that could transform evil spirits.

Reis' laugh point was hit, and he continued to laugh.

At first, he thought it was a natural smile, but when he smiled, he found that he couldn't stop it no matter what.

Laughed until he was hysterical, laughed until tears came out, laughed until his stomach rolled, and laughed until his whole body convulsed.

He covered his mouth, trying to control himself not to laugh.

But it's useless, he seems to be possessed, he just laughs...

Never thought that laughing is also a kind of pain.

Naturally, Long Zhutian knew that it was Yang Zimei's action, so he watched it coldly.

"Stop me! Haha, stop me! Hahaha, I can't take it, dragon, stop me! Hahaha..."

Leisi was so uncomfortable that he had to ask Long Zhutian for help.

"It's okay to stop, but don't appear in front of us in the future, otherwise, I will make you laugh to death."

Yang Zimei knew that Leisi could not die.

If Reis died, the so-called Holy Father would have no heir, and he would eventually find Long Zhutian.

She didn't want Long Zhutian to take another step away from him.

Long Zhutian also didn't want to return to that organization, otherwise, he wouldn't have paid the price of a hand and the black spell in exchange for his freedom.

"Okay, haha, hurry up, haha..." Resze laughed out loud, his lungs were bleeding from the laughter.

Yang Zimei also stopped in moderation, and relieved his acupuncture points.

Reis finally stopped laughing painfully, and leaned weakly against the big tree beside him.

"What kind of magic did you use?"

Leisi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, stared at Yang Zimei with blood red eyes and asked.

"Hehe, I don't know any magic. This is just our Huaxia acupuncture point method."

After Yang Zimei finished speaking, the ancient coin in his hand popped out again and landed on his acupuncture point.

Reis was surprised to find that his body was like a stroke, his nerves were not manipulated, and his whole body froze.

He was shocked, "What did you do to me again?"

Yang Zimei simply tapped his dumb, itchy, and painful acupoints again, letting him experience the magic of Huaxia's acupoints.

Reis was startled and terrified.

It was only now that he discovered that this girl who looked so pure, beautiful and well-behaved on the surface, like an angel, was actually a terrifying witch.

No wonder Long Zhutian would rather abandon everything and be with her.

Yang Zimei relieved all his acupuncture points, opened her teeth lightly, and said only one word: "Get out!"

Seeing that her fingers holding the ancient coins were moving again, Reis immediately rushed out the door like a bereaved dog in distress.

He had never been so embarrassed and embarrassed in his whole life, and he was unwilling, so he jumped to the top of the fence, took out his gun, and shot at Yang Zimei who was walking in while holding Long Zhutian's hand.

His marksmanship was personally trained by the gun king, even better than the gun king, ranking first in the world.

He is confident that no one in this world can stop his bullet.

Yang Zimei really couldn't.

(End of this chapter)

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