Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 1470 If you do not leave, I will not abandon

Chapter 1470 If you do not leave, I will not abandon (93)

Unexpectedly, they just walked to the door and ran into Zhou Jieying's two masters and apprentices again.

Zhou Jieying blocked her, with a provocative tone, "Yang Zimei, last time in Guangyuan, I had no luck and lost to you. Now, I want to challenge you again. Do you dare to challenge?"

"Do not want to."

Yang Zimei really didn't want to be entangled with this kind of person for one more minute, it made her sick to watch.

"Heh, it's not that you don't want to, but that you don't dare? Last time, you had such shit luck because Murong Yunqing helped you. This time, no one can help you, so you don't understand anything, right? "

Zhou Jieying sneered.

"I said Miss Zhou, you really don't think about your words. My girl, there is nothing you dare not do. Seeing that everyone is from Guangyuan, I still advise you to stay away, so as not to lose face!"

Zeng Sihui said unhappily.

"Zeng Sihui, it's none of your business here, just shut up!"

Zhou Jieying looked at her disdainfully, and added, "Aha, I forgot to tell you, I met Ge Liancheng this morning, and he even gave me flowers, saying that you can't even match me with a single finger."

When Zeng Sihui heard this, she trembled with anger, "You're talking nonsense! Ge Liancheng wouldn't talk to you! He would never belittle me like this!"

"Oh? Really? You're so confident in yourself?"

Zhou Jieying mocked, took out her mobile phone, "Do you want to listen to the recording?"

"Just listen!"

Zeng Sihui didn't believe that Ge Liancheng would go behind her back to show affection to Zhou Jieying, or even say that.

Zhou Jieying had known for a long time that Zeng Sihui liked Ge Liancheng, and also knew about her relationship with Yang Zimei's cousins, so she recorded Ge Liancheng's words and waited for the opportunity to stimulate Zeng Sihui.

"Miss Zeng, don't faint after hearing this, haha."

Zhou Jieying smiled maliciously and started recording.

"Miss Zhou, after seeing your beautiful face, I finally understand why the ancients invented the word 'shocking as heaven and man'. It's amazing and unforgettable..."

Ge Liancheng's exaggerated admiration came from the recording.

Zeng Sihui's face darkened, and then she sneered, "That's just Liancheng's polite words, Miss Zhou, if you want to take it seriously, it's a big joke."

"I heard that you are in love with Miss Zeng's family." Zhou Jieying chuckled again in the recording, "Aren't you afraid that she will be jealous if you praise me like this?"

"Tch, that silly girl Zeng Sihui was the one who followed me hard and chased after me. No one cares about falling in love with her. I pay attention to her because her cousin has a lot of background and I don't want to offend her. In terms of appearance, figure and wisdom, She is not as good as Miss Zhou at all."

Ge Liancheng's disdainful tone pierced Zeng Sihui's heart like a knife.

Palely, she grasped Yang Zimei's arm tightly, her teeth clenched her lower lip, trembling all over, her hands and feet were cold.

She had always naively thought that Ge Liancheng liked her, but unexpectedly, it was because he was afraid of Yang Zimei's background that he treated her in a false way.

This blow was too great for her girlish heart!
At the same time, Yang Zimei discovered that her love fate had changed.

Just now she didn't stop Zhou Jieying from playing the recording, the purpose was to use her to wake Zeng Sihui up!

The fate of a person is not fixed, and often changes because of another person or another opportunity.

As Zeng Sihui's cousin, she has a blood relationship, and there is no way to change the matter between her and Ge Liancheng.

However, Zhou Jieying, an outsider, can!
(End of this chapter)

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